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We had all stormed out of the party and my blood was boiling. How dare he bring that up after what he did to Mary. It saddens me to my core because I know that he's feeling alone and he's hurt, but he can't keep taking it out on us or else he will have nobody. Which is the exact opposite of what I would ever want.

"Come on, let's get going" Roger grumbled, holding my hand.

"Let's just wait for Deacy and Bri, I mean we're ready now we could go somewhere?" I asked.

"Yeah let's see" He nodded, signalling that the boys were coming towards us.

"What a nightmare!" Brian shouted.

"I can't believe he said that to you, I mean I know he's drunk and stuff but that's not the Freddie we used to know" John said sadly.

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll come back around guys" I nodded.

I suddenly looked up when I saw movement in the next house, and it just so happened to be Mary.

"Why don't we go and pay Mary a visit? We haven't properly seen her for a while" I suggested and they all nodded before we made our way over.

I knocked on the door, the other three lads just behind me, and when it opened she looked really well and happy.

"Rose!" She said in a shocked expression, engulfing me into a hug.

"Hiya Mary, you okay?" I asked as we pulled away.

"Yes, I'm fabulous now. Come on you lot get in!" She said, hurrying us all in to her beautiful house.

We all took our places on the couch and ended up having an even better time here than we were having at Freddie's, although that wasn't too hard to beat.

"Wait what!?" I laughed and shouted at the same time.

"Yes I know, I actually feel sorry for Mary" Brian cringed, giving her a look.

It turned out that before Freddie went out with Mary, there was a bit of romantic tension between Mary and Brian too, however it never seemed to work out.

"So did you...?" Roger asked crudely, and I slapped his chest. Only Roger would ask a question like that.

"No! We only went on like three dates in total, but we were good friends so it didn't work out" Mary shrugged and sent Brian a grin.

"That is the most shocking thing I have heard, ever" I said still blinking my eyes between the two.

"Well, What about you? You ever had a weird boyfriend?" John asked, bouncing the attention over to me.

"Well Roger is my first boyfriend" I shrugged, taking a huge sip of the white wine that filled my glass.

"Really?" Roger mumbled, a smile on his face as he hugged my side.

"Yeah" I smiled back at him and he winked.

"But if you haven't had a boyfriend... who did you lose your virginity too?" Mary asked suddenly, not choosing the right time to ask the question.

"Alright Mary, If you must know" I glared at her and the three lads leaned in curiously.

"He was a few years older than me and I thought I was so cool. I was only 16 at the time" I shrugged, continuing to sip my drink.

"What was his name? How did you meet him?" Roger began firing questions at me.

"I was at a party! I was at the age where I defied my parents at every moment possible, so I had sex with a uni student to say fuck you" I laughed.

"You aren't as geeky as I thought you were, Rose!" Deacy chuckled, eyeing me.

"Well I didn't have the best relationship with my parents, now I can see why" I laughed, shaking my head.

"How scandalous" Mary giggled, topping up my wine glass along with hers.

"Oh Mary this has been so much better than Freddie's, it was terrible in there" I groaned, throwing my feet up on the couch over Brian's and John's legs as I leaned on Roger.

They all widened their eyes in shock but placed their hands over my legs as though there was nothing there.

"I'm glad that you came, I've had a lovely catch up with- Ive just realised! You never told me you were engaged! I found out from the papers!" She grinned, running over to me and pulling me off the couch into a hug.

We both fell off and rolled over each other on the rug. She landed on top of me and engulfed me into a rib crushing embrace.

"Mary. Can't - breathe" I wheezed.

"No no don't move" Roger winked, looking at the girl on top of me.

I sent him a middle finger before Mary jumped off me, and gave me a proper hug this time.

"I'm so happy for you, honey" She whispered into my ear.

"Thank you" I grinned.

"Let me see the ring!" She squealed, pulling my hand away from me.

"Oh Roger it's wonderful, you have such good taste" she looked at the triple diamond ring in awe.

"Well what can I say? I'm a ladies man" He wiggled his eyebrows and leant back into his chair.

"Not anymore you're not" I turned my head to look at him disapprovingly, sending him a sarcastic glare.

He kneeled down off the couch in front of me and held the two edges of my jacket, pulling me towards him.

"How could I be when I've got you?" He mumbled, his husky voice echoing through my ears.

I leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips, but the other guys weren't having any of it and we ended up being hit in the head by multiple catapulting cushions.

"Get a room!" Brian heckled.

"Okay Brian, we might need to borrow your room though because we broke the bed last night by-" He joked and another cushion went smashing right into his face.

Our night at Mary's ended up being so much better than the other party, however I so wished that Freddie was here too. I could feel him beginning to slip away, and that is something that I am not going to let happen.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now