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The wedding was next week, and Roger and I were rushing around trying to pack everything up. I made sure I packed extra of everything, because I'm stupid and usually forget something so this is the best way to ensure I have got the lot.

"Rogerrrr" I whined, walking over to him as he leaned over his bag.

"Yessss" He mimicked, not looking up.

"Where is the wedding?" I pouted, leaning against his back.

"I can't tell you it's a surprise" He warned, standing up and swatting me away like a fly.

"Can you at least tell me the city?" I begged, kneeling down at him feet.

I gave him the innocent glare that always made him spill the important stuff.

"Fine, it's in Liverpool" He grinned.

"Ooh fancy" I grinned, getting all excited now.

"I do like you from this angle" He said, winking down at me and playing with my hair.

"Shut up" I groaned and pulled myself up to his height.

"It's true" He chuckled, holding my waist.

"We'll keep that kinky shit to yourself" I giggled, shaking my head.

"You weren't complaining when I tied you to-" He started, but I shut him up by whacking his chest.

"Oi! I only speak the truth my dear" He laughed, flinching back as I punched his chest lightly.

"Come on, I still need to ask Bri and John to give me away, and you need to ask Brian be best man, should we go now?" I asked, and he nodded.

My blue tartan mini skirt and ankle boots left my legs almost completely bare, but Rogers leather jacket kept me warm, along with my baker hat of course.

Hand in hand we began our stroll over to Brian's, as it wasn't too far and John was always there anyway so it's killing two birds with one stone.

"I wonder how Chrissie is" I sighed, and Roger squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"I'm sure she's better, I think they both knew that it wasn't working out really" Roger added, which I replied to with a nod.

"Hopefully" I said, pursing my lips together in a line, as I wasn't fully convinced.

"Anyway, are you ready for next week, love?" He asked, as we began to near Brian's door.

"Well, ready as I'll ever be, it should be pretty chill" I nodded, my calm nature finally coming in handy.

"Really? I'm freaking the fuck out babe" He laughed nervously, and I knocked on the door.

"Don't be daft, it's only us lot" I grinned, giving him a side hug.

The door opened to the curly haired guitarist, and he smiled widely as he gestured for us to enter.

"Come in, I didn't know you were coming" He smiled, flicking his hair from his face.

"Well we need to talk to you, is John here?" I asked, as we made our way to the living room.

"Of course" He scoffed, as though it was obvious, which to be honest it was.

We entered the room and discovered not only John, but a blonde, frizzy haired woman also. Ah, of course. I recognised her from EastEnders. It was Anita.

"Hi, I'm Rose" I greeted politely.

"Oh, Brian's told me all about you and how you helped him out, you seem like such a lovely lady. Thank you, I'm Anita" She grinned and gave me a gentle hug.

"Roger" He nodded, giving the girl a peck on the cheek politely.

"Sorry Anita, we don't mean to leave you out but we actually have some questions for Deacy and Bri" I laughed awkwardly.

"Of course, I'll just sit back here with my finger on my lips" She joked, sitting down and keeping her grin plastered on her face.

"Everything alright, hun?" John asked me, giving me a hug as he greeted us.

"Better than alright. I was just wondering if you two would give me away next week, my father hasn't been there for me a fraction as much as you three have recently. Especially when I needed you the most. I couldn't think of anyone more suitable" I said, a few tears glazing my eyes over.

"Ah Rose, I cant speak for Deacy but I would be honoured to walk you down the aisle, thank you" Brian nodded, and I jumped into his arms excitedly.

"Of course we will Rose, as long as I get some booze out of it" John winked jokingly, and I slapped his shoulder lightly before hugging him as well.

"Brian, you know you've been my mate since the start, and I'm sorry John I don't mean to leave you out here" Roger started.

"None taken" John held up his hands.

"But is two, we've been through it all. From Smile to Queen and Kensington market. All I'm saying is I would like you to be my best man, mate" Roger added, and Brian nodded, giving his best friend a loving bro hug.

"Aw isn't this lovely?" Anita grinned, walking over to me.

"Yes, it really is. You're welcome to come along to the wedding by the way, any family of Brian's is our family too" I smiled, nodding at her.

"Really? I know you were close to Chrissie and I wouldn't want to seem intrusive" She fretted.

"Of course not, we're a dysfunctional family us lot, we love everyone. You haven't met Freddie yet though" I warned jokingly, nudging her shoulder lightly.

"Well thank you very much, you've given me something to look forward to now" She smiled.

"What? Meeting Freddie or the wedding?" I joked.

"Both to be honest, but obviously the wedding" She beamed, and hugged me delicately before returning the focus to the lads.

"So, you ready to get married you two?" Deacy asked.

"No I'm shit scared" Roger fretted, and we all laughed at him.

"Blimey Rog, I've never seen you so tense" Brian laughed.

"Even I'm calmer than you, and I don't even know where the wedding is!" I said.

"We doooo" Both Brian and John sang.

"What!?" I asked, shocked.

"We have to get there you know?" John said sarcastically.

"I suppose so, but this isn't fair you're leaving too much to the imagination- I'm getting too excited" I pouted.

Roger turned to face me, and held my bottom lip with his thumb whilst his fingers rested under my chin. I gave him my doe eyes, as I stared up at his perfect face. Wow he's so fucking perfect.

"It's worth it, What Roger has planned is amazing" Brian nodded.

"Not helping, Bri. You're making me more excited" I moaned, and Roger left a kiss on my forehead.

"Whatever, excitement is a good thing anyway" John shrugged.

"Not when it's your wedding on the line"

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now