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"I have an incredible idea" Winifred beamed as I rocked Lizzie around in my arms.

"Should I trust you?" I joked, looking at her sceptically.

"Definitely, I was thinking that you should go down and maybe go to one of Rogers shows" She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"What about Liz?" I pouted, knowing that I couldn't take her to a gig in London.

"It's only in Hertfordshire! We'll look after her for the weekend, won't we Elizabeth" She cooed at the baby girl, who gargled as her nana tickled her tummy.

"Would you?" I asked, biting my lip, actually contemplating going to Stevenage to surprise Roger for the last show.

"Of course! Go get ready now, Michael will drive you there so you can have a cheeky glass or two. You can even stay over if you want, we don't mind looking after our little precious" She grinned, planning my whole weekend out for me.

"That sounds amazing, thank you Winifred" I smiled gratefully, and she took Lizzie from my arms and rocked her around gently.

"It's fine, go get ready" She hurried me, pushing me upstairs.

I rushed up and ran into our room excitedly. Knowing that I would see Roger on the other side of London made my stomach flutter in happiness.

I rummaged around in my wardrobe and decided to try and find what I was wearing the first time we met. It was a black mini skirt with a stripy black and white top, pairing it off with my black strap heels.

I hobbled down the stairs, not used to wearing heels like this after months of wearing flats and getting foot massages.

It felt like I was young again, about ten years had gone by and I'd never felt so young as I wore the outfit from our first time meeting.

I was taken back to the amazing nights and long days as they struggled and worked so hard to get where they are today. It was madness how one silly little outfit could bring back a myriad of nostalgia and happy memories.

"Wow, you look amazing" Winifred smile, still rocking Lizzie backwards and forwards.

"Thank you, I don't look too dressy do I? I mean I am 29 now" I laughed, cringing a little bit at how old I was.

"Shut up! You look great! Now let's get you off, you've got your bag, yes? Right Michael! She's ready!" She rambled, trying to sort everything for me.

"Coming!" He shouted, grabbing his coat from the cupboard quickly.

"I don't have a ticket though" I sighed, suddenly realising that I had not payed to go into one of the concerts.

"Trust me, you won't be needing a ticket love" Michael smiled, leading me out to the car, helping me as I hobbled down the stairs.

"Wait! You need your hat!" Winnie yelled, lobbing my hat towards me as soon as I turned around. I caught it between my hands and slipped it on my head straight away.

"Here we go" I nodded.


"Thank you Michael!" I smiled, waving him off as he drove away slowly.

I took a deep breath in and out. The show had already started, so nobody was outside and I could slightly hear the sounds of a few familiar tunes.

My ears lit up as I nearer, as they got louder and I could easily distinguish each song.

As I was about to walk into the venue, a security guard stopped me in my tracks.

"Ticket please" They said in a monotone voice.

"I don't have one, but I'm Rose Taylor, Roger Taylor's wife, the dr-" I said poshly, but he cut me off.

"Yes I know who Roger Taylor is, but you don't fool me. We have tons of girls trying the 'girl of the band' card, it won't work with me love" He scoffed.

"Ah, I see" My posher London accent contrasted his, as I rummaged in my back for my purse.

"So how do you explain these?" I asked, showing him photos of Roger and I from over the years, including the wedding and previous shows.

His face whitened and his eyes shot open, as he absorbed the photos he was looking at and the words he had uttered previously.

"Urm, Sorry. I just thought that you'd be backstage" he said awkwardly, rubbing his neck.

"No it's perfectly fine, you're just doing your job sir" I smiled, walking past him and into the standing area.

"Wait! I'll get you a really good spot" The guard called from behind, rushing after me quickly.

"Thank you" I nodded, giving him a smile as he lead the way to the best spot in the house.

We went right to the front of the crowd, where the barrier separated the stage and the fans.

"My lady" he laughed, and pushed a step ladder by the barrier to let me jump over into the standing area.

I jumped up and some lads helped me down on the other side, giving me some room by the barrier.

"Thank you" I smiled, and he gave me a quick wave before going off.

I looked up to see the whole band smiling, sweating and just having an amazing time as they performed on the stage amazingly.

A few songs went by when they were going absolutely crazy, until they decided to slow it down with one of my personal favourites.

"So we decided to do our last show back here in London, as England is our fucking home country!" Freddie grinned, flinging the microphone around as he strutted across the stage.

Everyone cheered, chanting their names excitedly.

"So our last song, is going to be a bit slower, it's called 'Love Of My Life' please join in" He smiled, sitting down next to Brian as he sat with a guitar.

Roger and John came down to the barrier to sign some stuff and just greet their adoring fans. Luckily for me, this was the perfect opportunity to surprise him.

When he came past I didn't acknowledge him at first, but grabbed Deacy instead.

"Rose!" He beamed, pulling me into a tight embrace as he realised it was me.

"It's so good to see you" I smiled, being a bit squished by the fans trying to get near him.

"You too" He grinned, but I shooed him away when Roger made his way over.

A group of people bombarded him over the barrier, and I used this as the chance to catch him off guard.

I pulled a notepad and pen from my bag and passed it to the unsuspecting drummer when he got to me.

"What's the name, love?" He asked, not even looking up.

"Rose" His eyes widened, hopefully thinking about me, as he wrote 'to Rose, from Roger Taylor' in my notepad.

"Roger you fucking idiot, it's me" I laughed, and he shit his head up in happiness.

"Rose" He grinned and without warning, I was being lifted over the barrier and my lips were pressed against his.

"You don't know, what it means to me"

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now