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It was a few weeks after Live Aid, and the buzz created by the concert was erupting over the nation. Articles and magazines were plagued with pictures of Queen, naming their performance the 'best rock performance in history'.

Roger and I had taken the last few weeks to just chill out. Well, we did some other things too, but we don't need to go into the details with that.

It was only when I felt a familiar sick feeling in my stomach that I began to get suspicious. I couldn't be, could I? I mean of course I could, it was possible, but I could have sworn that Roger had used protection every time. Oh shit. We got drunk two weeks ago. Oh shit.

I rolled out of Rogers embrace and jumped out of bed, rushing to the bathroom to vomit up what felt like my whole insides into the toilet. A scared and pained feeling shot through my stomach, remembering what had happened the previous time I was pregnant.

"Rose?" I heard Roger ask groggily from the bedroom.

"Roger- I think we need to talk" I said nervously, flushing the toilet and walking back into the room.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked, patting the bed for me to sit down next to him.

"I'm just going to say it. I think I'm pregnant" I said. But this time my face wasn't one of happiness or joy, it was one of fear and sadness.

"That's brilliant news, fantastic" He beamed, washing away the tiredness and engulfing my small frame into a tight embrace.

I didn't reply with the same level of enthusiasm, as I gave him a nervous and even scared glance.

"Wait what's wrong?" He asked worriedly, grabbing one of my hands gently.

"I don't want a repeat of what happened last time" I mumbled, barely audible, yet he managed to hear me.

"I know and neither do I. But we can't go on thinking like this. If you stub your toe on a sofa, you don't just stop walking by the sofa in case you stub your toe do you?" He tried to reassure me, but the picture of Roger stubbing his toe was plaguing my mind, making me giggle slightly.

"Okay, so that was a bad analogy... and yes I have stubbed my toe numerous times on the setee" He started, making me chuckle even more.

"But, we can make this work. We got through it last time, so if it does happen again we know that we can make it through, love" He nodded, taking my other hand in his and pulling me towards him, planting a light kiss on my lips.

"Thank you Roger, for everything" I murmured, my breath hitting his skin due to our close proximity.

"Anything for my girl" He whispered, kissing my forehead.

We ended up buying a pregnancy test, and I was currently sat in the bathroom awaiting the news. I kept looking at my watch, feeling like minutes went by when in reality it was seconds.

Finally, the required waiting time had passed and I could take a look at the stick. Nervously, my shaking hand picked up the test and low and behold the test was positive.

A smile appeared onto my face, a smile of happiness. It was like the other memories had disappeared for a split second and now all I could think about was the new baby. Tears pricked at my eyes and I let an exultant cry escape from my lips. I heard the door open and without warning I jumped up and hugged the blond drummer out of joy.

"I'm pregnant Roger" I smiled, and he laughed excitedly, spinning me around with ease.

"That's amazing news, how do you feel, love?" He asked, placing me down.

"Amazing. Nervous and sad because I wish that this baby would have had an older sister, but I hope that we can just try and move on now" I grinned, wiping a few tears from my eyes.

"Well, we won't tell anyone for a while. My parents will be so thrilled" He smiled, kissing me passionately on the lips.


Keeping the pregnancy a secret was hard, as they were planning another tour. This meant that I wouldn't be able to come along, but Roger didn't want to either. The morning sickness was at its height too, so I had to blame that on food poisoning this time. I hated the thought of lying to the lads, but as soon as I know that my baby is healthy and okay, I will be telling everybody.

Currently, I was sat at Rogers drum kit as they all argued in the corner. It was all about what songs they would be singing, and what order they would go in. Unfortunately for me, I didn't have any input really as my favourite queen song is radio gaga, and when I mention it they all just accuse me of bias as Roger wrote it. I pressed my foot down on the pedal, sending a loud booming echo to shake the room.

They all snapped their heads up at me in unison, and raised their brows as though they wanted me to continue.

"I just wanted you all to shut up, you're giving me a headache" I shrugged.

"So you bang the loudest drum? Makes sense" Brian nodded sarcastically, and they all turned back to working.

Gosh this was getting tedious, listening the them four bickering all of the time. Freddie was even having an internal argument over the colour of his jacket. I suggested a yellow one, but he thinks blue. The other lads couldn't care less of course, so it was down to him to make that decision alone.

Roger kept giving me worried glances, checking that I was okay every minute. It was sweet really, and I could tell that he was just as worried as I was in case the same thing happens again that did last time. Let's just hope that everything in our lives is easy sailing from here out. Although I highly doubt that ever happening with us five.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now