77. Heart for the Lost

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It's me again God,

I am so blessed to have been born into a family who sent me to Sunday School to learn about You from a very early age. Thank You for my parents who encouraged me to pray to You from a very early age and made sure I had a Bible to read. They sent me along to Christian camps and showed so much interest as I began to take steps to put You first in my life.

Knowing You like I do now, I am so sad as I think of relatives who have not accepted Jesus as Lord and choose to live without You. I am challenged to have the same concern for all who are unsaved as I read the beginning of Romans 9:

"O Israel, my Jewish family, I feel such great sorrow and heartache for you that never leaves me! God knows these deep feelings within me as I long for you to come to faith in the Anointed One. My conscience will not let me speak anything but the truth. For my grief is so intense that I wish that I would be accursed, cut off from the Messiah, if it would mean that you, my people, would come to faith in him! You are Israelites, my fellow citizens, and God's chosen people. To you belong God's glorious presence, the covenants, the Torah, the temple with its required sacrifices, and the promises of God.  We trace our beginnings back to the patriarchs, and through their bloodline is the genealogy of the Messiah, who is God over everything. May he be praised through endless ages! Amen!"
‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:1-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Paul's grief over the Jews rejection of Jesus is very evident. His longing that they may come to You makes me wonder how much I grieve for others to come to know You.

Lord I will take time now to bring before You those I know who need to receive You as their Saviour. ...............................................................I long for them all to come to faith in You. Please use me to speak truth to them and may my life speak even louder of the difference You make so they will seek You out themselves. Give me a renewed passion and love for all who are lost in this world. Equip me to go and make disciples. I will serve You knowing that You are with me always.

In Jesus' Name,

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