82. Ready

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It's me again God,

How I look forward to these moments with You! It's so amazing how You have made sure Your Word was preserved through all these years so I could know about You. It's just incredible to read the gospel account according to Mark and have insight about the beginning of Jesus' ministry here on earth.

John the Baptist had prepared the way for Him to come so I guess he would have been overwhelmed with joy when he finally looked and saw Jesus! John had baptised many but this baptism was going to be very special indeed!

"One day, Jesus came from the Galilean village of Nazareth and had John immerse him in the Jordan River. The moment Jesus rose up out of the water, John saw the heavenly realm split open, and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove and rested upon him. At the same time, a voice spoke from heaven, saying:

"You are my Son, my cherished one, and my greatest delight is in you!"

Immediately after this he was compelled by the Holy Spirit to go into an uninhabited desert region. He remained there in the wilderness for forty days, enduring the ordeals of Satan's tests. He encountered wild animals, but also angels who appeared and ministered to his needs."
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:9-13‬ ‭TPT‬‬

What a special moment! I'm sure John must have felt so blessed that finally his life's mission had led him to this pivotal event in history. Jesus was ready to begin his three years of ministry!

At around 30 years of age, Your Son had obediently done Your will, growing up as the Son of Mary and Joseph but always knowing that His work as a carpenter would change in order for Him to fulfil all that had been prophesied.

I love those words You spoke to Jesus at the time of His baptism —such a tender moment! I hear you speaking those same words over my life, all because Jesus came with such an amazing purpose!

The testing in the wilderness place was also significant where Jesus fasted for forty days! He had everything he required, even angels who ministered to His needs! Lord thank You that I have Your Spirit too and Your angels are there as I go through my day. Jesus was victorious over Satan and would win victory for us all just three years later when He died and rose again!

Thank You Jesus for all You have done—I am so blessed and I am ready to serve!
In Your Name,

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