83. Following Jesus

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It's me again God,

In the quietness, I come to You, my Lord, my Father —the One who made everything and knows me so well.  You are amazing in every way and I just love this time of just blocking out the concerns of what is to come today, just to center my thoughts on You.

Thank You for calling me to be Your child and for all that Jesus did to make this possible. I am so looking forward to reading Your Word, knowing You will speak to me:

"Later on, after John the Baptizer was arrested, Jesus went back into the region of Galilee and preached the wonderful gospel of God's kingdom realm. His message was this: "At last the fulfillment of the age has come! It is time for the realm of God's kingdom to be experienced in its fullness! Turn your lives back to God and put your trust in the hope-filled gospel!""
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:14-15‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Clearly John was preaching in a radical way, as he was arrested! He did not let anything stop him from preparing the way for Your Son! I pray that I too would do Your will without wavering or worrying about the consequences.

Now it was Jesus' turn to preach the good news! Thank You that I live at a time when I can experience Your kingdom realm in its fullness! It is all about turning and putting my trust in You. I love the way Jesus had such a call on people's lives that He could just walk up to them and ask them to follow Him:

"As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he noticed two brothers fishing: Simon and Andrew. He watched them as they were casting their nets into the sea and said to them, "Come follow me and I will transform you into men who catch people instead of fish!""
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:16-17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I wonder if these men had any idea how Jesus would transform their lives? I'm just so blessed when I think of how You have transformed me! There is nothing better than following You Jesus! The world has so much on offer and there are so many influential people I could listen to but they pale into insignificance when I think of  You!

"Immediately they dropped their nets and left everything behind to follow Jesus. Walking a little farther, Jesus found two other brothers sitting in a boat, along with their father, mending their nets. Their names were Jacob (James) and John, and their father Zebedee. Jesus immediately walked up to them and invited the two brothers to become his followers. At once, Jacob and John dropped their nets, stood up, left their father in the boat with the hired men, and followed Jesus."
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:18-20‬ ‭TPT‬‬

It's really amazing how these men dropped everything to follow You Jesus. I am challenged by this as it reminds me to not be afraid to leave some things in my life to completely follow You. Please show me if there is anything I need to let go of so I can serve You fully. Today I put all my trust in You and look forward to the exciting things that will happen as I allow You to lead me.

In Jesus' Name,

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