87. Follow Me

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It's me again God,

How perfect it is to be able to start my day with You and to be able to continue through the day knowing that You are always with me! Thank You for Your love and that You are the same yesterday, today and forever! Your character doesn't change and I can be sure that the things I read in Your Word are applicable for me today. I am so blessed as I continue to read Mark and find out more about You Jesus:

"Jesus went out to walk near Lake Galilee, and a massive crowed gathered, so he taught them. As he walked along, he found Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax booth, collecting taxes. He approached him and said, "Come follow me." Immediately he got up from his booth and began to follow Jesus. Later, Jesus and his disciples went to have a meal with Levi. Among the guests in Levi's home were many tax collectors and notable sinners sharing a meal with Jesus, for there were many kinds of people who followed him. But when the religious scholars and the Pharisees found out that Jesus was keeping company and dining with sinners and tax collectors, they were indignant. So they approached Jesus' disciples and said to them, "Why is it that someone like Jesus defiles himself by eating with sinners and tax collectors?" But when Jesus overheard their complaint, he said to them, "Who goes to the doctor for a cure? Those who are well or those who are sick? I have not come to call the 'righteous,' but to call those who are sinners and bring them to repentance.""
‭‭Mark‬ ‭2:13-17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Thank You that You have such a calling on people's lives that here we see someone stopping what they were doing and leaving their work to follow You! Thank You for calling me to follow You and for loving me and dying for me when I was lost in sin. You have such a heart for the sinner and have great plans for them. So often as Christians we can become very stuck in only mixing with those who are saved but if I am to be like You Jesus, I will be happy to hang out with the unsaved and love them into the Kingdom!

It's Your desire that all would know You and follow You, so it's my privilege to be used as Your instrument today! Holy Spirit guide my thoughts, words and actions. Guide my feet so I walk into exactly the right places to be with the people who need to know You today! Prepare my heart to love people like You love them and to serve You faithfully, bearing witness for You. Give me Your heart for the lost and help me to never give up on those I know who seem to have hardened their hearts against You. I just need to do my part for You are the One who saves. I am so thankful that nothing is too hard for You!

In Your mighty Name Jesus,

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