44. The Body of Christ

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It's me again God,

How I love waking and knowing I am going to meet with others to worship You! Thank You that You have made me part of Your family, the body of Christ! Each one of us is vital to the health of the body and is essential to its survival.

"In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function. And so it is in the body of Christ. For though we are many, we've all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others. God's marvelous grace imparts to each one of us varying gifts and ministries that are uniquely ours. So if God has given you the grace-gift of prophecy, you must activate your gift by using the proportion of faith you have to prophesy. If your grace-gift is serving, then thrive in serving others well. If you have the grace-gift of teaching, then be actively teaching and training others. If you have the grace-gift of encouragement, then use it often to encourage others. If you have the grace-gift of giving to meet the needs of others, then may you prosper in your generosity without any fanfare. If you have the gift of leadership, be passionate about your leadership. And if you have the gift of showing compassion, then flourish in your cheerful display of compassion."
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:4-8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I love the way Paul states that each has a 'unique' function, indicating that what I bring to the body cannot be given by someone else. This translation also uses the word 'mingled' to described how we become one in the body of Christ —we are mixed together like various different colours of paint on a pallet that eventually become one colour!

The picture of Your body is so beautiful with the words 'vitally joined', indicating how much we need each other! We contribute to the needs of others which is just so special and reminds me that I have an important role to play that no one can fulfil like I do —it is uniquely mine through the grace given to me!

Thank You that you give these gifts freely and we just need to take action and use them! Lord show me if there is a gift I haven't yet activated because I want to play my part in Your body! Bless each dear person in my fellowship as they prophesy, serve, teach, encourage, give, lead and show compassion. It's such an honour to be part of Your living church. I am blessed far beyond anything I could imagine!

In Jesus' Name and for Your glory,

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