81. Prepare Your Heart

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It's me again God,

Thank You that this new day has come and it's an opportunity to see You working in my life again. Thank You for all the ways You showed Your love yesterday and for the blessings that I may not have even been aware of.  Thank You that I can open Your Word again today and be reminded of what it was like before Jesus began His public ministry:

"This is the beginning of the wonderful news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. It starts with Isaiah the prophet, who wrote: Listen! I am sending my messenger ahead of you and he will prepare your way! He is a thunderous voice of one who shouts in the wilderness: "Prepare your hearts for the coming of the Lord Yahweh, and clear a straight path inside your hearts for him!""
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:1-3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Lord as Easter is coming up soon, I too am preparing my heart. I am letting go of things that are not helpful in my life. Show me the things I need to lay aside and give up so I can be closer to You. I so want to enter into a deeper place with You, to be filled with thanksgiving and gratitude each day. I am so aware of my need to be nourished by Your Word and to trust in You with all my heart.

I am always amazed at how John the Baptist came at just the right time to prepare things for Your arrival Jesus. It was a time of letting go of sin and repenting:

"John the Baptizer was the messenger who appeared in an uninhabited region, preaching a baptism of repentance for the complete cancellation of sins. A steady stream of people came to be dipped in the Jordan River as they publicly confessed their sins. They came from all over southern Israel, including nearly all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. John wore a rough garment made from camel hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and honey of the wilderness. And this is the message he kept preaching: "There is a man coming after me who is greater and a lot more powerful than I am. I'm not even worthy to bend down and untie the strap of his sandals. I've baptized you into water, but he will baptize you into the Spirit of Holiness!""
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:4-8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Even though people came from far and wide to hear John, he just kept pointing them to the One who was coming —Your Son Jesus! I can't imagine how excited these people would be to hear that there was something greater than the water baptism they had received, someone greater than John was coming —it was Jesus and He would baptise them in a way that would change them forever from the inside out.  They would receive the Holy Spirit and You would be with them always!

Thank You that I don't have to wait because I live on the other side of the Cross! I am Your child and I have received Your Spirit. Thank You for revealing all of this to me and changing me completely as I believed in You. I am so excited to keep on drawing closer to You in the days ahead!

In Jesus' Name,

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