11 Years Ago

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Amanda Lewis, who was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, watched as her husband Marc, who was a tall man with short brown hair, played with the bouncing one-year-old baby girl, named Evangeline Zoe Lewis, on the sofa, conjuring colourful smoke out of his wand. It brought her much joy to watch, but then the young girl yawned, indicating it was indeed time for bed.

"I better take her to bed now." She said as she picked up her bundle of joy, as she approached the stairs a beautiful Doe, made of the finest white mist, reared into the living room. Suddenly the voice of her best friend Lily Potter came from the doe's mouth.

"He's coming... We are coming... We just have to hope we get there first! Stay strong! Stay safe! He's coming..." with these words the Doe reared on its hind legs and evaporated into the air. With a great panic the two parents looked to each other with great fear, for they knew that the Darkest Wizard, known as Lord Voldemort, was coming to steal their child from them.

Before they knew it, they ran to each other and began to sprint to the front door, only for their path to be blocked by a hooded figure, with long white fingers wrapped around the handle of his white, bone-like, wand. He was pointing the wand at the two parents, who were shielding their only daughter from the man.

"Please don't take her! We'll do anything! Please!" Amanda begged, staring into the cruel, blue eyes of the pale man stood there. "Please Lord Voldemort! Have mercy." She began to see that her words were doing nothing when the man's cackle erupted from under the hood, the cackle was cold and stiff making the two shudder and fear for the life of their child even more.

"Don't be stupid! You knew this day would come... the day I would take the child!" the man said, as he began to close in on the couple, staring at the pink bundle the mother held in her hands. "Now either give me the child or I will kill you both!"

The couple glanced at each other, fully aware that even if they gave their child to this man their lives would not be spared. Without a second thought the couple locked eyes with each other and then looked to the girl curled up in her mother's arms. Who at this moment chose to wake up, with her beautiful sapphire eyes, that replicated her mother's, staring up at them. With a kiss to the daughter from each of the parents- as if seeming to Lord Voldemort to be saying goodbye before handing her over- they turned to the pale figure with fury in their eyes.

"Do your worst, you will not be taking our child!" with this Marc launched himself at the Dark Lord while Amanda attempted to run out the back. But before she could make it to the door, she heard the all familiar voice of the Dark Lord shout "Avada Kedavra!" followed by shouts and the thud of her husband's lifeless body falling to the ground. She blinked back the tears and focused in her daughter, for she knew that she wouldn't be alive much longer. "I love you Evangeline." She whispered. "Avada Kedavra!". And with those words the mother screamed and fell to the floor, the daughter was almost squashed by the poor, lifeless woman but luckily, she landed next to the woman that she would now never be able to call mother, never be able to help her with her magic. Never.

The small child looked towards her mother's face, her eyes and mouth wide open; with the fear skill visible and began to cry. But before she could properly process the sight, a figure known to her, as one of her godfathers, broke through the back door, along with the child's godmother bursting through the front. Both Auror Lily Potter and Auror James Potter raised their wands to Voldemort and began casting spells at the Dark Wizard standing before them.

Meanwhile, unknown to Voldemort, another Auror, named Alastor Moody, picked up the pre-readied bag from the nursery along with stuffing it with some toys and a blanket, as the clothes were already packed, and he apparated to the back door. Just in time to shout "Stupefy!" at the Dark Lord, with this the Dark Lord disappeared into his cloud of smoke and warned "I will get that child, even if it kills me! And be warned James and Lily Potter, for I will end you!". The anger clear on Voldemort's voice was clear for the three to hear, but before more could be done the couple bent down and examined the bodies of their best friends, dead on the floor.

"We must leave, we will collect their bodies another time! We have to get the child to safety!" Alastor Moody declared, glaring at the couple who were frozen with shock, staring at the bodies. They nodded, but before they could make a movement a new voice erupted in the house.

"Immobulus!" The voice shouted, and at once all the figures in the room were frozen, except the young baby on the floor. The three adults attempted to break the spell but were unsuccessful. The fourth, and unwelcome, figure in the house raised his wand. He pointed towards the young girl on the floor, and took a breath in. "Avada Kedavra!" the man yelled. The killing spell went right towards the young girl- who crossed her arms across her face-, but contrary to what was expected, the spell bounced off the young child's arms and travelled back to the producer. In a second his body was lying dead on the floor, and the baby was crying in fear and the new-found pain on her arm. The adults were released from their spell and the old man, large in size, picked up the baby and held her to his chest, checking he wasn't imagining that she had just survived the un-survivable killing curse.

"I didn't imagine that, did I?" Lily asked the men. "She survived the killing curse?"

"Yes, she did." Alastor said, looking at the baby in his arms, who had fallen asleep. "We should go before more come, we'll discuss this later."

"You're right," James said, he then looked back to the bodies of his friends and sniffled "But I think Mandy would want her to have these." While speaking this James bent down and took the golden locket off the woman's body, along with the wedding and engagement rings from the couple, and placed it in the bag, fully aware that the child would only be able to remember her parents through photos and stories now. With a nod, James Potter took the baby off of Alastor and the three locked eyes and apparated away from the house and now currently stood in the living room of a residence in the small town of Godric's Hollow, or otherwise known as the Potter residence.

"James, Lily is that you?" called a voice from the kitchen, "How did it go, loves?" but before the old woman, who was dressed in a beautiful green gown and had long grey hair up in a bun, could receive an answer she entered the room and stopped in horror after seeing the depressed look on their faces and the baby asleep in his arms. She muffled a cry before asking for an explanation. All shocked in horror, Alastor Moody stepped forward and explained the night's events.

After speaking the details, he quickly added, "However, I still don't understand why You-Know-Who wanted Gina." The family had always called the young child Gina. "Is there something about her that we were never told?" All four paused at this, all that could be heard in the room was the sobs of the two women and a cry from their baby boy Harry Potter in the nursery above.

"I doubt that Amanda and Marc would have kept something from us, I feel it was just a random attack." Lily Potter added, who was wiping the tears from her green eyes and pulling her red hair into a messy ponytail, "Now, I'm going to go and see to Harry. We need to put our plan regarding Gina into action. Perhaps we should call the order and discuss?" with these words she disappeared up the stairs and moved towards the crying sound.

The three began to discuss their plan of action. As it had been previously decided that if that night was to go the way that it had, then the child would be placed into a muggle orphanage and would have no contact with the magical world, until her 11th birthday, upon receiving her Hogwarts acceptance letter.

This plan was carried out and Evangeline was placed on the doorstep of St Mary's orphanage and was left to live her life. No matter how dreadful...



So, that's the first chapter. Let me know what you think. 

Thank you,

-Zoe 😊

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