Year 2 - 35

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After a final week of school, with no exams- having been canceled, everyone was packing their things ready for their journey back to their homes. Cassiopeia had returned the high spirits to the Slytherin house, even the teachers have noticed. It seemed that everyone from then on, having listened to Professor Dumbledore, noticed her bright smile. One more than others, Draco had dealt with her death the hardest and he still wondered whether she would return his feelings of love.

Before leaving, Cassiopeia made her way to her godfather's office. When she entered, he turned to her with a smile. They held each other in an embrace for a while.

"Have a good summer, Severus." She told him once they pulled apart.

"You too, Cass." He replied.

"You know what, I think for once I will enjoy my holidays." She told him, making him smile. Cassiopeia had explained the change in her treatment from William, and he was beyond pleased- knowing that he wouldn't have to worry about whether she would come back injured or unharmed.

"That's good." He replied. "Let me know how the twins do."

"I will. Bye Severus." She replied, pulling him in for one last hug.

Everyone made their way to the carriages. Cassiopeia stroked the thestral before climbing on after her friends. They watched as she pulled out her book and glasses, put the glasses on her head and her book under her arm. She saw them looking and smiled to them.

"Just getting ready for the journey." She told them, they laughed.

She read her book for all of the journey home, and if they were being honest her friends liked this. They liked watching their friend read, something they feared they would never see again, something that they had taken for granted. She was always there for them, even if she wasn't speaking, she was still there. And that's what they needed to remember, their friend has their backs and is there for them.

'Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there' – Christy Evans.


Painting's for her family:

And that's the end of Year 2 at Hogwarts!

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And that's the end of Year 2 at Hogwarts!

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