Year 1- 43

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Cassiopeia continued running until she couldn't keep going. She stopped and leant against a tree for support, catching her breath. When suddenly she heard a growl, she turned to see the hooded figure standing behind her. She went to scream but the figure covered her mouth.

"Who are you?" The voice asked, he slowly uncovered her mouth but kept his hand close just in case she went to scream again.

"My name is Cassiopeia." She replied, keeping her voice strong.

"You are the Dark Lord's daughter?" he asked, his voice full of shock.

"Umm- I don't think so." She replied, fearing that if he knew the truth, he would hurt her. He suddenly conjured ropes and it surrounded Cassiopeia.

"You lie. How dare you lie about who you are." He said angrily. The ropes around Cassiopeia tightened, she went to scream but one of the ties went around her mouth. She continued to struggle, but they got tighter and tighter, making her struggle to breathe. "I am going to give you one more chance, are you the Dark Lord's daughter?" Cassiopeia nodded, and she felt as the ropes loosen a little but they still held her up. "Why would you lie about this?" He asked.

"I thought you would have more of a reason to attack me if I told you the truth, and also I was told not to tell anyone. And that includes creepy, hooded figures in the woods." Cassiopeia replied, with sass.

The hooded figure laughed, "I suppose. Would you say you support your father?" He asked.

"Ummm." Cassiopeia said, "I guess I do, however, it's like being between a rock and a hard-place."

"How so?" He asked.

"I, of course, support my father- that's what a daughter is supposed to do. However, I also support my friends, and I know that I cannot do both as they might turn away from me when they know the truth and there's also the fact that I will lose their trust if they knew the truth." Cassiopeia replied, wondering why she was opening up to someone who has tied her up with ropes.

"So, when the time comes..." The figure began, "Would you support your father?"

"Yes." Cassiopeia replied.

"Good." He replied, upon seeing Cassiopeia's confused face he added, "I'm Lord Voldemort, in disguise." Cassiopeia gasped. "Now, your friends will come looking for you. They cannot know what we have spoken about tonight. Understand?"

Cassiopeia nodded and the ropes loosened and she fell to the floor, but her vision was blurred.

Cassiopeia watched as the hooded figure pulled something from his cape, but she couldn't tell what it was, her vision too blurry. He reached down and place something in her hand, "This is for you." He said. He then stood back up and reached in his cape for his wand and he sent a spell at Cassiopeia, she screamed, she wasn't sure what the spell was but it stopped when she heard the sound of approaching hooves, she saw the figure flee. She couldn't make out the features as her vision was still blurry.

She felt a hand help her up she heard the frantic voices of her friends, as her vision cleared, she saw all her friends looking at her with worried expressions.

As the group approached the centaur their sights focused on the figure he was supporting with his hands, as if she was struggling to stay upright. They all were fearful of what she had gone through, as she was a ghostly pale- however, they couldn't see the marks from the ropes.

"What happened?" Draco asked, running over to Cassiopeia and pulling her into a hug.

"The hooded figure attacked her with a spell. You must get her back to the castle. As I'm unsure what she went through before I arrived." The centaur replied. Draco took Cassiopeia from Firenze and they all walked back to the school, with Draco supporting her all the way.

"Draco, I'm fine." Cassiopeia assured as they were walking to the castle doors. The group looked to her.

"Cass, I am literally holding you up." Draco said with a smirk.

"I don't need your help, I can walk on my own." She said. Draco looked to her with a smirk and let go of her, immediately she felt to the floor. "Okay, maybe a little help." She admitted, he chuckled and helped her again and they walked to the hospital wing.

When they arrived, Cassiopeia was rushed to a bed and was attended by Madame Pomfrey. As Madame Pomfrey took of Cassiopeia's cloak she gasped, everyone else following suit. As underneath her cloak she was wearing a short-sleeved top and they could all see the marks from the ropes, however, not her scars from the chains as she had covered them with bracelets, and her usual bandage.

"It's not painful, I promise." Cassiopeia assured them, they looked at her sceptically.

"Drink this, Ms Reid." Madame Pomfrey said, handing Cassiopeia a potion. She nodded and drank the potion in one go. She grimaced at the burning in her throat, but didn't complain. "If you're feeling alright, you can leave and go back to your dorm to sleep."

"Okay." Cassiopeia responded, swinging her legs around to the edge of the bed. Draco was immediately by her side just in case she fell. Cassiopeia got to her feet and fell into Draco, he smiled at her and supported her as they walked to the Slytherin common room, saying goodbye to the trio on the way. They bid each other good night and went to their dorms.

When Cassiopeia got to her dorm, she took out the object that Voldemort gave her in the woods. It was a snake ring on a chain, she smiled at the gift. Despite it being from the Evillest Wizard around, she still liked the fact that he was acting more like a father than William ever did. She put the chain around her neck, and made sure to hide it like she hid the others.

 She put the chain around her neck, and made sure to hide it like she hid the others

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