Year 1-31

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-Trigger warning-

Cassiopeia was awoken by Poppy shaking her shoulders before the worst part of the nightmare could begin. Cassiopeia thanked Poppy and asked her to put the book into her backpack, so William couldn't see it, and together they chose an outfit for Cassiopeia to wear- it was black jeans, a black vest top, a dark green, knitted jumper and a pair of black combat boots.

Cassiopeia then asked Poppy to see if William was awake, and if he was to get him to come and let her out. Cassiopeia then summoned Nigel, he appeared and Cassiopeia turned to him.

"Mistress Reid, how can Nigel serve you?" because this was William's house-elf she had to treat him like she is supposed to treat her house-elf.

"I want to ask if Sir kept his promise. Were the muggle family realised?" She asked sternly.

"Yes, Mistress. They were taken back to their town and had their memories modified, they still remember the two children but they will not remember what happened." The elf replied.

"Alright. You may go!" She ordered and he disapparated.

After a little time of waiting, William entered Cassiopeia's room, just before he left Cassiopeia asked his opinion of her outfit choice, he was happy with the dark colours and approved it. Once he left, she did her normal morning routine, and she gelled her nails black. She was putting her hair into two Dutch plaits when she heard a knock on the door.

Ara walked in, "Cassiopeia, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Madame" she said with a curtsey.

Ara sat on Cassiopeia's bed and turned to face her, "Why is Will so happy with you?"

"I tortured and killed a muggle boy." Cassiopeia replied bluntly, tears filling her eyes which she fiercely blinked away.

"Oh, my dear." She said, bringing Cassiopeia into a hug, "May I ask why you did it?"

"He threatened to kill the rest of the family if I didn't kill the boy. I couldn't let the whole family die because of me, I'm sorry." Cassiopeia replied, leaning on Ara's shoulder.

"Look," Ara said, and she cupped Cassiopeia's cheeks, making them lock eyes. "I would have done the same thing. You may have taken a life but you saved more." Cassiopeia nodded to Ara and wiped her cheeks of the few fallen tears. "Cass," Cassiopeia was shocked at the use of her nickname. "I trust I don't need to tell you not to tell anyone about this."

Cassiopeia smirked at Ara, "Yeah, I got that." they both laughed.

Ara offered Cassiopeia breakfast, but she refused. She hadn't been eating and she was becoming depressed, but she still tried to keep a happy façade in front of William. She went into the bathroom and did something she never thought she would do, she grabbed a razor blade from her cupboard and began to cut. She cut on the top of her legs, so no one would see. She felt relief when the blood fell to the floor, she loved seeing the contrast of red on her white tiled floor. She heard William calling for her and she wiped the blood, from the floor and her leg, and she went to the atrium.

There the rest of the family was waiting for her, she smiled at them and looked in the mirror before she left. The bruises were still there, but they disappeared as William muttered the enchantment.

"Remember it will last till tomorrow morning." He said

"Thank you, Sir." She replied.


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