Year 1-36

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As Cassiopeia and Professor Snape walked through the halls towards the kitchens, they walked passed the Great Hall, to see people still there. These people were most of the teachers, all of Cassiopeia's friends from Gryffindor and most, if not all, of the Slytherins, they all looked worried. Professor Snape locks eyes with Cassiopeia and encouraged her into the hall. When the people in the hall heard the footsteps of Cassiopeia and Professor Snape, they all looked up to see them both- all shocked and them holding hands- but pleased that they were okay. With them all staring at her Cassiopeia looked to her feet.

"I'm sorry for worrying you all." She looked up to see Marcus walking up to her, she took a step back, but she was stopped by Professor Snape- as he knew that she would be fearing the worse. When Marcus reached the girl, she noticed that the other Slytherins were slowly approaching. "The usual?" Cassiopeia asked them all. The Gryffindors and the teachers were confused at what this meant. All the Slytherins nodded, she looked to Professor Snape and whispered to him, "You might want to back off." He nodded and walked towards the teachers, awaiting what would happen.

"The usual." Marcus said with a confirming nod, and suddenly- to the surprise of the teachers- all the Slytherins rushed to the girl and they enveloped her into a group hug. They lost sight of her, only to hear a chuckle from the middle.

"We really need to work on a hug that doesn't suffocate me in the process" Cassiopeia said while laughing, the Slytherins began to let go and dispersed. Cassiopeia was then hugged tightly by Amelia, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle. When they pulled apart Cassiopeia was pulled into a hug by Hermione, Harry, Ron, Fred and George. They all pulled apart and they laughed. They all watched as her face changed from happiness, to her remembering something. They all looked as she locked eyes with Professor Snape, she pointed at him. "You owe me a hot chocolate! Let's go." And she turned and began to walked, she turned and saw that Professor Snape wasn't following. "Now." And with that he followed her to the kitchen, the group in the hall laughed. When the two arrived, they got a hot chocolate- along with some food.


When they finished, he escorted her back to the common room, where she went to bed and slept. However, before she went to sleep, she placed a silencing charm around her bed, so not to wake the room with her screaming.

She awoke from her nightmare at 4am, but she couldn't go back to sleep so she went to the bathroom and showered. When she got out, she looked down to her leg and saw the scars from the previous day, she grabbed the razor blade and began to cut a few more lines, once she had finished, she wiped it clean and then got her clothes on. She looked in the mirror and placed her hair in a messy bun, while she was doing this, she noticed the bruises appearing- but she was pleased that they had faded. She got her book from her trunk and walked to the common room, she placed on her glasses and sat in front of the fire, beginning to read.


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