Year 2 - 22

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After eating a meal, and then having an evening of socializing, everyone made their way to bed, except Cassiopeia. She didn't want to sleep, knowing that she couldn't cast a silencing charm on herself. So, she made her way to the room she found as her safe-haven. The music room. She went in and sat on the seat by the piano. Without realising she had started playing.

She was so caught up in thinking of the song, that she didn't realise someone else was in the room. She looked up to the book on the piano, which was a magic one that meant that whatever was played would go onto sheet music. As Cassiopeia finished playing, she reached towards the book, and the wondered what lyrics to put to it. She heard movement and looked up to see William on the other side of the piano. She smiled to him.

"That was nice." He told her.

"Thank you, sir." She replied.

"Do you have any words to go with it?" He asked, she shook her head. "How do you usually come up with words?"

"I think of something, play and the words fumble out my mouth." She replied. He gestured to the piano, as if to say 'try it'. She nodded but wasn't sure what to think of.

"I want you to think of your birth parents." He told her, she looked to him in shock and confusion, but nodded anyway. She put the book down and then took a moment to think about something. Once she did, she then took a breath and the played the piano.

William was watching in sadness as his daughter sang sadly about her birth parents. He knew that there would be emotion there, and part of him wanted to find these emotions so he could understand Cassiopeia more. Listening to this song achieved that. Listening to this song made him feel both grateful and scared. Grateful because he could see Cassiopeia pain and now could understand it. Scared because now he could see her pain and knew how hurt she was. Once she finished, she turned to William, not sure what to expect.

"That was beautiful." William told her. "Sad, but beautiful."

"Thanks. I'm glad I have these magic books, or I'd never remember all of what I just sung." She replied with a small laugh. He chuckled.

"Why are you down here?" He asked her. She looked to her 'father'.

"I didn't want to sleep." She told him. "Sleep means nightmares. And I don't want the nightmares."

"What if I stayed with you? I could sit in the chair beside your bed, then when you wake from your nightmare, I'll be beside you." He offered. She didn't hide her shock.

"Why?" She asked. She didn't know how to phrase her question without seeming offensive. But he understood. He moved and sat on the chair beside her, looking into Cassiopeia's eyes.

"I'm going to be honest with you. When Ara told me she was pregnant, I was scared. I know I always put on a tough front, but inside I'm scared. I'm scared of how the babies are going to turn out, whether they'll be strong in magic like you and Lyra, or maybe squibs. While thinking that, it made me think of the way I've been a father now, to yourself and Lyra. Thinking of it, made me realise how horrid I have been to you. You are following your heart, and that is all a parent could wish for- even if not in the way I want-, but you're sticking up for what you believe in. I'll be truthful, and the main reason I'm as harsh as I am, is because when your father returns, he will want a life with you, and for that to happen he needs to see you as a dark lady who is completely pure-blooded. I know you aren't and that you have your non pure-blooded friends, but I fear that when your father realises this, he won't be happy and he could very well punish you. So, I thought I could either get you to be the way he'll want you to be, or to get you tolerant to the torture methods. But in doing this, I lost sight at what was truly important. Despite the circumstances, I was given a daughter, and I have been horrid to her. I was given this truly amazing young girl, who is strong willed and stands up for what she believes in, and most importantly she doesn't let anyone get her down. She keeps herself as herself and uses her personality to improve others. And I couldn't wish for any different. I just wish I'd realised that before I was mean to you." He spoke. Cassiopeia absorbed all the words, tears forming in her eyes.

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