Year 2- 1

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These summer holidays had been the worst two months of Cassiopeia's life. She had not left the dungeons once, receiving the punishment, of 'Crutio, beat, whip', two times a day, then in the evening she would be trained in the use of her wandless magic by William. The only thing she was allowed was her homework, which she had completed in the first week. She had asked William if she could send owls to her friends, being Draco and Amelia, but he didn't trust her and thought he would send messages to her non-pure-blooded friends. So, he retaliated and punished her three times that day. The only other thing he allowed her to have was advanced magic books, which she actually enjoyed reading.

Cassiopeia had become dangerously underweight, and began to fear William and his wrath much more. He had stripped her down to a sports-bra and shorts and noticed the self-harming scars and began to continue to cut the leg area, but he placed a curse on the knife meaning that it created more pain. To her, it seemed that she screamed and screamed non-stop throughout the two months. William began with the excuse for the punishments, about her stopping her father from getting the stone, but after that he just enjoyed the pain that he inflicted- and began to enjoy their torture sessions.

Today was the day that William and Cassiopeia would be going to Diagon Alley, William released her in the early hours of the morning and took her to her bedroom. Once he had left, he locked her bedroom door, leaving her alone. As soon as he left, she began to cry on the floor. She called upon Poppy.

"Hello, Cass. How can Poppy-" Poppy began but stopped when she saw the sight of the broken girl. Immediately, she ran to Cassiopeia and hugged her, Cassiopeia melted in her embrace and continued to cry. "Come, Cass. Let's get you in bath." She said, Cassiopeia nodded and Poppy went and ran the water. Once the water was ready Poppy helped her into the bath, as Cassiopeia was weak- considering she hasn't properly walked for two months. While in the bath Poppy brought Cassiopeia her letters that she had received, she accepted them and was surprised to see ones from Ron and Hermione- thinking her father would have got rid of them.

"Poppy managed to collect them before Master Reid could take them." Poppy said, Cassiopeia smiled at the elf. "Did you want Poppy to open them for you, Cass?" Cassiopeia nodded and handed over the letters. The first letter was from Amelia:

Dear Cass,

I hope you are having a good time in the holidays so far.

I know we only broke up from school a week ago but I thought I should send you a letter anyway.

My mum was thinking of taking me shopping, for clothes, next Wednesday. I would love if you could come, I think my mum is asking your parents. I hope I can see you there.

Love, Amelia.


Poppy finished reading the first letter and Cassiopeia began to cry, she wasn't sure why but she just felt that she couldn't hold in the tears. She was missing her friends with all her heart and she hated that she missed the chance to see one of them. Cassiopeia nodded to Poppy and she opened the next letter, another from Amelia:

Dear Cass,

Your father told my mum that you're ill. I hope you get better.

I know that if you are sick you might not be able to answer this letter, but if you receive it, I just want some sort of reply, so I know it's not life-threatening.

I don't know what I would do without you Cass.

Please reply.

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