Year 2 - 30

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After seeing the Slytherin's, Professor Dumbledore made his way to the Gryffindor common room, holding the gifts in his hands. As he entered, there was a quite hush among the students in the room.

"Good evening, I was hoping I could borrow, Mr Potter, Mr Ron Weasley, Mr Fred Weasley and Mr George Weasley." He said. Harry and Ron walked up to him, while one of the prefects went to get the twins from their room. When they came down, they walked over to the Professor.

"We didn't do it." They said automatically. Making the old man laugh.

"It's alright boys, you're not in trouble. I have something for you. Earlier this evening, we went into Cassiopeia's dorm and removed her things. Under her bed was some gifts that she had planned to give out, and here they are." He replied, gesturing to the gifts. He took out one and handed it to Harry. Harry looked in shock. He then handed one to Ron. Then finally he handed one to the twins. "There is also one for Ms Granger, however, being the circumstances. I was wondering if one of you boys would hold onto it for her, maybe leave it in her room."

"Okay, I'll do that." Harry said, taking the gift from him. The Professor bid them goodnight and left the room. The boys all exchanged a look and then sat on the sofa. The group then opened their gifts, shocked at what they saw.

"Wow, she captured our laugh." Fred said, looking at the drawing.

"Yeah, she did." George said.

"Let's go ask one of the girls to put it in her dorm for her." Harry said, gesturing to Hermione's.

As they were out of ear shot from everyone, they made a plan to go and visit Hagrid and ask about him opening the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago

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As they were out of ear shot from everyone, they made a plan to go and visit Hagrid and ask about him opening the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago.


Professor Dumbledore walked through the halls, to Professor McGonagall's office. When he entered, he found her drinking some tea and looking sadly out the window.

"Minerva?" He asked. She turned to him.

"How can I help?" She asked. He handed over a large gift to her.

"This is from Cassiopeia, she had a pile of them under her bed. I've even got one myself." He told the woman. She nodded and opened it. She looked in shock at the drawing.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful." She commented. "Is yours a drawing too?"

"I haven't opened mine yet, I thought I would deliever the others first." He replied. She nodded, and the made some space on her wall. She used her magic to place it above her desk. She sighed and looked at it.

"Albus, when is her family coming?" She asked.

"Tomorrow, I sent them a letter. But Mrs Reid is in the hospital, her babies are due. So they asked if it was posible that they came tomorrow. I said yes, obviously." He replied. She nodded.

"It must be hard for them. All in one day they have gained two children, but lost a daughter." She told him. He nodded. He bid her farewell and then journeyed to his next destintion. Professor Snape, having already gven him the gifts he wanted to check that he was alright.


When he made it to the room, he knocked gently.

"Severus?" He asked. He heard a faint come in. The headmaster opened the door, and saw Professor Snape crying on his chair. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright." He replied. Professor Dumbledore placed down the remaining two gifts and then sat beside the potions professor. He looked at the two gifts in front of him.  First he looked at the one of the Professor and was shocked at its skill. He then looked to the other one and gasped in shock.


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"Lily." He observed. The Potions professor nodded. "How did she know?"

"I don't know." He replied, still not wanting to break his goddaughter's promise.

"She was a clever girl." Professor Dumbledore absentmindedly commented.

"Yes, she was. Have you opened your gift yet?" He asked. The old man shook his head. He then grabbed his present and opened the wrappings gently and gasped at the skill of the drawing.

 He then grabbed his present and opened the wrappings gently and gasped at the skill of the drawing

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"Wow, she truly had a gift." The headmaster said, looking at the painting. Professor Snape looked up and hummed in agreement.

Handing Hagrid the final gift, other than the ones for her family, Professor Dumbledore returned to his office. Where he was met with the minister of magic.


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