Year 2 - 24

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Waking up for Cassiopeia was no different as it had been for the last few months, a scream to welcome the new day. She then realised it was Christmas, she looked over to the clock and saw that it was six in the morning- she had actually slept the whole night, but to her the nightmare didn't seem any longer. She shrugged and then gathered her presents from her trunk and made her way downstairs. There was no one in the common room, so she decided to organize the presents into piles- she also noticed that Amelia didn't have any here, Cassiopeia assumed she wanted to remain with the golden trio. Cassiopeia felt a bit disheartened that her best friend would rather spend Christmas somewhere else, but she knew it was her choice and she had the boys. After organizing the presents she rushed up to the boys' dorm. When she got there, they were all asleep. She smirked and changed into her Animagus, she stood in the middle of their beds and howled. The boys awoke straight away, sitting up in their beds. Cassiopeia let out a wolfy laugh, making the others look at her. She turned into her human form.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" She shouted. They laughed and slowly made their way out of their beds, tiredly mumbling a 'merry christmas' in return. Together they made their way down to the common room and sat behind their piles. Together the group then started opening their presents, Crabbe and Goyle started tearing them open together. Whereas Draco and Cassiopeia sat opposite each other and opened one each, and then kept swapping. Cassiopeia started and she opened one from Draco, it was a charm bracelet, and with it a book, wand and wolf charm. She smiled and thanked him. He then helped her put it on. Draco then opened his and his eyes widened, it was a beaters bat signed by all the players of his favourite Quidditch team- the Falmouth Falcons. He thanked her immediately and pulled her into a hug.

"How did you get it signed?" He asked.

"I have my ways." She replied. He laughed and then they moved on. From Hermione, Cassiopeia got some more muggle books. From Harry she got some potion books, some more advanced. From Ron she got some sweets and a charms book. From Mrs Weasley she got a grey knitted jumper. From Crabbe and Goyle she got another two charms for her bracelet, a snake and her birthstone (a garnet). She thanked them over the room, and they thanked her in return. She turned to Draco and he helped her put the charms on. She then turned to Amelia's present, and it was another charm for her bracelet, a snowflake. Draco helped her put it on. She opened Amelia's other present and it was some more muggle books and some quills. She then turned to the gifts from Theodore and Blaise, they were a set of new ink, parchment and quills, along with two more charms- a rose and a tree. She then turned to a gift from Marcus, they were two charms, a broom and an art pallet charm.

"Who was the coordinator this year?" She asked Draco with a laugh, as he added the next charms.

"That would be moi." He replied. She laughed and then moved to open the rest of her presents. She opened the ones from her family next. From Lyra she got a beautiful wolf necklace.

She put it on, but this was the first of her necklaces she could put on top of her jumper

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She put it on, but this was the first of her necklaces she could put on top of her jumper. She got a bunch of expensive clothes from her parents, along with some art supplies and ink and quills. Then finally there was another charm, from William, a musical note. After putting that on, she noticed that the others had finished opening their gifts, but she still had a few more.

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