Year 1-13

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Cassiopeia didn't realise how long she had been reading until she felt a hand on her shoulder, out of reflexes (due to her many years of torture) she flinched and curled away, the person removed their hand and looked to Cassiopeia. She still had her eyes closed but she felt the person grab her hand, at this point she opened her eyes to see Marcus Flint looking at her scars on her wrists. Cassiopeia quickly pulled away and pulled down her sleeves, she then grabbed her wand and pointed it at Marcus- tears brimming in her eyes. Before Cassiopeia could say anything, Marcus spoke.

"I won't tell. I promise." Cassiopeia lowered her wand with a confused look in her eyes, before she could ask why he responded, "I assume you want to know why?" Cassiopeia nodded. Marcus sighed. "Let's just say I know the pain of growing up a pure-blood. However, fathers aren't as controlling to boys as girls. I'm going to tell you something and you have to promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise." Marcus looked around to check that no one was there, before he began talking.

"When I did something 'un-pure-blooded' when I was younger my father would beat me. I was used to the pain, but my mother was angry. She began to stand up to him against my torture, he would begin to beat her also. He would chain her to the wall- that is why I know those scars on your wrists, as my mother had them too. However, hers are not scars because she didn't fight for long- because I then began behaving. But yours will be there forever, I guess you fight back?"

Cassiopeia paused, not knowing whether she could trust him. He must have sensed her questioning because he took her hand.

"I promise I won't tell." Cassiopeia nodded and looked around herself before beginning.

"I always fought when I was younger, but then I stopped. However, my father didn't trust me, and ever since every night and day- unless something was happening- I would be chained to a wall, rarely let out. and then when I did things that were frowned upon in the 'pure-blooded world', I would be chained up in the dungeons and punished. I'm not going to tell you how I was punished, as that is my burden alone. But let's just say that it was never nice and he never trusts me." He looked down at the small girl and nodded. It was at that moment that they made a pact to each other, they would be close friends. But she didn't know that at that point he promised her that he would try to protect her. They went and sat on a couch, Cassiopeia began to read and Marcus just sat there looking into the flames.

"Did you go back to sleep after your nightmare?" He asked.

"No." She replied simply.

"You must be exhausted." He commented.

"It's fine, I'm used to it." She replied truthfully.

"Okay, there's something you should know." He said cautiously.

"What?" She asked.

"Your bruises on your face are appearing." He said, and he watched as her eyes widened.

"Oh no, the charm is wearing off. Does it look bad?" She asked.

"No, it just makes you look tired I guess." He said honestly.

"Okay, I'm going to go and wake up the girls. Thank you for not saying anything." She said.

"You're welcome. Same to you." He replied. And they waved goodbye to each other.

Cassiopeia nodded as she made her way up to the girls' dormitory, there she found three sleeping girls. She woke Amelia up with a pillow to the face, and then Cassiopeia woke up Pansy and Amelia woke up Millicent in the same way. Pansy screamed and Cassiopeia just laughed as she walked away with her pillow in hand, next thing they knew Pansy hit Cassiopeia with a pillow and they began a pillow fight. They were interrupted when the female Slytherin prefect walked through the door- expecting Cassiopeia to be having a nightmare again- but was happy to see the four girls laughing.

The four girls made their way down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

As they entered the hall, they went to the Slytherin table and began to eat. During which they were joined by Draco and the other boys, they all asked how Cassiopeia was feeling and she replied with the classic "I'm fine", however, the boys weren't convinced. Draco and Cassiopeia began to talk until they were interrupted by Professor Snape with their timetables. Before he walked away, he stared at Cassiopeia, noticing that she looked familiar, she felt insecure so she decided to say something.

"Everything okay, Sir?" this made him snap out of his trance, he nodded and continued giving out the timetables. She turned to her friends and shrugged. She then saw Harry and Ron enter the Hall and walk to the Gryffindor table. Cassiopeia excused herself and walked over to them. She was getting odd looks from the Slytherins and Gryffindors, but she didn't care.

"Hi guys."

"Hi, Cassiop-" Harry began to reply but he was cut off by Ron.

"What are you doing over here, you stupid Slytherin? You're not welcome at this table, and Harry and myself do not want to be friends with the likes of you. You are vile and cruel, just like your father. Now, why don't you clear off and go back to your so-called friends over there." Ron replied with venom in his voice, gesturing to the Slytherin table. Cassiopeia looked around to see all the Gryffindors, especially the other Weasleys, some Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs and all the Slytherins, who looked ready to hurt Ron, looking at them. The teachers were also watching, however, they looked in fear wondering what Cassiopeia's response would be- as it was well known that the stereotypical Slytherins would bring their wand out in a confrontation like this. Cassiopeia was hurt, but she wouldn't show her emotion. Cassiopeia turned to Ron, he gulped at her glare.

"You call Slytherins vile and cruel, have you looked in the mirror?" she replied with venom in her voice, "People always say that Slytherins are horrid, but if they are then you're just like them. People say that the feud between Slytherin and Gryffindor is because the Slytherin's are horrid to the Gryffindors, but right now it is the Gryffindors that are being horrid. Turning someone away because they are in a different house, now that's just pathetic. We are a school we are meant to stand strong together despite differences, we are supposed to accept all who enter. As Abraham Lincoln said, 'a house divided against itself cannot stand', meaning that if we do not trust each other from within then we will all crumble to pieces, especially when standing against an enemy. You Gryffindors just take your courage and think that it solves everything but it doesn't, it just clouds your judgement and makes you think that you are better than everyone else because you are labelled the bravest. But you are not the best. Where is bravery without the loyalty of your friends, shown by the Hufflepuffs? Where is bravery when you need a plan, shown by the wit of Ravenclaws? Where is bravery when you need the resourcefulness, to use during your selfish heroic action, that the Slytherins provide? Without all of our strengths together, where are we? Dead. So, stop being a git, Ronald Billius Weasley, and accept everyone for who they are."

With this Cassiopeia walked away and all looked to her as she left the Great Hall, the teachers, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherins looked proud while the Gryffindors looked guilty. Amelia then stood up and followed Cassiopeia out of the hall, to find her sitting on the floor in the bathroom, Amelia looked to her new friend and saw that her eyes were a little puffy, and figured that Cassiopeia was trying to keep back some tears. Amelia cleared her throat, and Cassiopeia turned to her.

"It's okay to cry, you know?" Amelia said, sitting on the floor beside her friend. Cassiopeia nodded but still used her effort to keep her tears in. Amelia put one arm around her friend and brought her into a side hug. "That was beautiful, what you said. You were right. But I feel now all the Gryffindors will hate you for offending Weasel." Cassiopeia and Amelia both chuckled at the nickname for Ron. Cassiopeia nodded and looked to herself in the mirror, she now saw that the bruises on her face weren't as bad as she thought but her eyes were now red and buffy.

"I look awful." Cassiopeia said.

"No, you look strong."

"Thank you, Amelia. You really are my best friend."

"You're welcome, and you are mine. That's what best friends are for."


Don't worry, Ron's not mean for long. I just wanted to show Cassiopeia more as a strong character.

Merry Christmas! 🎄

Thanks for reading


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