Year 1-38

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As the golden trio met Professor McGonagall they glared at Draco, who appeared from her side, smirking.

"Good evening, follow me." they are walking to her classroom when Mr Filch ran up to them.

"Professor McGonagall, there's a student out of bed. She's at the astronomy tower according to the paintings."

"Okay, thank you Mr Filch. I shall go and get her. Come on you four, I might as well give the lecture when we are all together."

They walked towards the astronomy tower and once they climbed the stairs, they saw a figure sitting on the edge of the tower, crying. They couldn't tell who it was, as their back was to them, but Professor McGonagall was fed up of people being out of bed and approached her. The group watched as the professor walked over to the edge.

"Ms Reid, why are you out of bed?" Professor McGonagall asked sternly. This shocked the group- for other than the panic attack they hadn't seen her cry once- except maybe a tear here and there.

"It- It- my- it- it- my- me." Cassiopeia attempted, but her breathing was too violent.

"Ms Reid, you have to calm down, control your breathing." Professor McGonagall said, her voice softer. Cassiopeia's breathing didn't seem to improve, she just couldn't stop it. Professor McGonagall then reached over, and attempted to comfort Cassiopeia, but when her hand touched Cassiopeia she screamed in pain. The professor whipped her hand back, and Cassiopeia stopped screaming. She seemed to rock back-and-forth, holding her arm.

"Professor, should I get someone?" Hermione asked. Professor McGonagall turned to her.

"Mr Weasley, fetch Professor Snape and Ms Granger, fetch Madame Pomfrey." Professor McGonagall ordered. The two nodded and rushed out of the room. She then turned to Harry and Draco. "Maybe you can try?"

Draco nodded and stepped forward, Professor McGonagall got up and moved herself away. Draco took her spot, as he looked to Cassiopeia his heart broke. She looked in so much pain, he looked to her arm and wondered why it was hurting so much.

"Cass?" Draco asked, she looked to him, but continued crying. "Can you hear me?" She nodded. "I need you to talk to me. What hurts?"

"My-my-" Cassiopeia replied, but she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Your what?" Draco asked her. Cassiopeia shook her head to him, she couldn't tell him about her scar. She couldn't tell anyone. "Please Cassiopeia, we are trying to help you." Draco pleaded. She shook her head again. Draco reached out to touch her, but Harry grabbed his hand to stop him. Draco glared to him.

"It might hurt her." Harry said.

"I have to try." Draco said, Harry nodded to him and released his hand. Draco then placed a hand upon Cassiopeia's shoulder, she screamed in pain again. He yanked his hand back, looking guilty. "You try." Draco said to Harry.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Try, maybe you can touch her?" Draco said. Harry nodded and knelt down behind Cassiopeia. He took a breath and lifted his hand, he placed it on her shoulder and Cassiopeia cried out again. But this time not alone, Harry brought his other hand to his head and was in pain too. Professor Snape rushed over, from the entrance of the room, and pulled the two apart. They both were breathing deeply, both falling unconscious. Harry fell into the arms of Ron, and Cassiopeia fell into the arms of Professor Snape.

"What happened?" Madame Pomfrey asked as she and Hermione entered the room.

"We'll figure that out later, let's get them to the infirmary." Professor McGonagall said, going up to Ron. Professor Snape picked up Cassiopeia, and Professor McGonagall did the same with Harry.

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