Year 2 - 23

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The first week of the holidays was enjoyable for Cassiopeia, the family spent the time preparing for the new arrivals of the family. They planned to put the twins in a room together, at first, and then move them into their own rooms as they got older. That was, if they wished it. After a week of hard work, the nursery was finished. Cassiopeia and Lyra, along with William, managed to do it all by themselves- with Cassiopeia making Ara sit out the way.

But as the end of the week came, there was then the packing

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But as the end of the week came, there was then the packing. William, Ara and Lyra were going to France to visit William's mother, and tell her about the twins. While Cassiopeia was packing to go back to Hogwarts. William had ordered Nigel to add her Christmas presents to her trunk, while Cassiopeia told Poppy to put hers, for them, in their trunks. With some teary farewells, Cassiopeia went through the floo back to Hogwarts.


After getting back to Hogwarts, Cassiopeia was happy to be back with her friends. When she came in the common room, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, noticed the happy expression on her face and were confused. Then she told them about Ara, and they understood her happiness. She asked where Amelia was, but Draco said that she had been with the golden trio for almost every second of the week- especially as she was staying in Hermione's dorm during the holidays. Cassiopeia commented that she might have just been busy, but Draco wasn't so sure.

"I'm sure they're up to something." He stated. Cassiopeia just rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, it's Christmas Eve. Let's go down to the Great hall for..." Cassiopeia started, then looked to the clock. "Brunch."

"Food!" Crabbe and Goyle exclaimed, jumping up from their seats. Draco rolled his eyes but laughed all the same. He stood and as they were leaving Cassiopeia jumped on his back.

"Forward my trusty-steed." She said, he stopped and looked at her, she looked right at him and smiled. Her eyes shining with amusement. He looked at her for a moment, realising how pretty her eyes were, then he snapped out of it and walked Cassiopeia to the great hall. When they got to the great hall, Cassiopeia remembered that, with all the attacks, many students (and their parents) wanted to return home. Draco walked to the Slytherin table, and dropped his arms, however, Cassiopeia was holding onto his neck- so she didn't fall. She laughed at his attempt to hurt her. "Nice try." She teased, letting herself down, kissing his cheek. She sat down at the table and started helping herself to a green apple. Draco then sat beside her and took a green apple, they hadn't realised they had done the same until Crabbe said something.

"You're both eating a green apple." He commented, Draco then looked to Cassiopeia, and her to him. They laughed but continued eating.  While they were eating, Cassiopeia noticed Amelia and the golden trio enter the hall and go towards the Gryffindor table. Cassiopeia leant forward.

"I see what you mean, she didn't even look over." She commented. Draco looked over at the group and nodded.

"Oh well, her loss." He commented with a shrug, continuing his apple.  The Slytherin group then left the great hall, roaming the halls. They hadn't decided what to do, so they thought they would just walk and talk. Then something popped into her mind.

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