Year 1- 4

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As soon as the group got home, Cassiopeia began to fear her father. She began to take her shoes off, and from the floor she saw her 'mother' and 'sister' leave the room, she then felt her father hold her shoulder. He removed the enchantments and then turned her to look at him in the eyes, he looked at her with disappointment.

"Since you have five days left of the holiday, before you leave for Hogwarts. Your punishment for your behaviour today will be the usual, but first I want you to pack your trunk, so then it is all done. So, after dinner your punishment will begin." He said in a stern and serious voice. Cassiopeia nodded in agreement as he handed her the shopping bags.

In her room Cassiopeia called on Poppy, who was her house-elf, to help her pack. In 'pure-blood' families each family member has their own house-elf, and you are supposed to treat them as if they are beneath you- you are supposed to beat them if they don't agree with you, and they are supposed to call you Mistress or Master all the time- but Cassiopeia doesn't agree with those rules, she doesn't beat her house-elf, she also taught Poppy to read (which isn't supposed to happen, but when she can't sleep she likes to fall asleep to the sound of reading, so Cassiopeia taught her), and Cassiopeia also told her to call her Cass. The final difference was that Cassiopeia had 'ordered' Poppy to change her clothes, you see all the house-elves in slavery have to wear an outfit that looks like a dirty pillowcase and if their master gave them clothing then they were freed, so Cassiopeia ordered her to change her clothes, however, in reality Poppy told Cassiopeia that she would stay even if she was freed- because she loved Cassiopeia. So, Cassiopeia gave Poppy some clothes, but she still stayed as her friend. This, however, did result in punishment from William.

 This, however, did result in punishment from William

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(^Poppy's outfit)

"Hello Cass, how can Poppy help?" Poppy said, as she apparated into the room.

"I was wondering if you could help me pack my bag for Hogwarts?"

"Of course, miss, but Poppy thought that Cass leaves for Hogwarts in five days?"

"Yes, I do. But I'm going to be spending the rest of my time before them in the dungeons, so I have to pack now."

"Oh dear, Poppy is sorry miss. Poppy will help Cass pack."

"Thank you, Poppy."

Together they packed the suitcase and the backpack, in which there was her wand, her uniform, some money, and a book. And when all was packed Cassiopeia grabbed her jewellery, (which was a locket (in which was a picture of her real parents and herself) which belonged to her mother, and also a chain with her mother's and father's wedding rings around it), and placed them next to the outfit she had laid out for the train ride (which was a pair of black jeans, with a pink, off the shoulder, long sleeved shirt, along with a pair of black pumps). Suddenly, Nigel- William's house-elf- apparated in and handed Cassiopeia the caged owl, she accepted it with a nod and decided to name the owl 'Liberty'- as she could be Cassiopeia's way at escaping the lonely life she lives. It was then time for dinner so she proceeded down the stairs and joined the Reid's at the table and they had a nice meal, during which she could feel the disappointment within William, but she chose to ignore it.

After dinner she walked with William to the dungeon, as she knew that if she refused, he would drag her there, and they entered and she was chained to the wall. He began to lecture her about the disgrace that hanging out with blood-traitors, and then proceeded to use the cruciatus curse on her, until she screamed, and he beat her. Cassiopeia would then be left in the dungeon and would have to repeat the process twice the following days, without food (due to the fact that her father cast an enchantment on her that keeps her functioning without food) and she is only allowed two bathroom breaks a day, which isn't an issue as she doesn't get much water.


Almost off to Hogwarts 😊

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