Year 1- 3

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They walked hand-in-hand to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, where they joined the line. looking around in the shop she saw a large family of red-haired people, she knew that these were the Weasleys- who were, according to William, blood-traitors. She knew that William would want her to avoid them, due to that being the proper pure-blooded way, and for once she decided to do just that. When they got to the front of the line, they ordered their ice-cream and sat at an empty table, two away from the Weasleys, she could feel eyes on her but she decided not to look up.

"You're not going to like it." She was teasing Lyra due to her choice to get a scoop of Pistachio ice-cream. Lyra pulled out her tongue and took a spoonful of the ice-cream, her face suddenly proved that she didn't like it. Cassiopeia began to smile, and looked up to see some of the Weasleys, the mother, father, two boys who were identical twins, and a younger boy, staring at her- her face returned emotionless and she turned back to the small girl.

"Here" She said this while giving Lyra a scoop of chocolate ice-cream from her plate, making the young-girls face light up. She finished her ice-cream and Lyra asked where the toilets were, she was unsure and began to look around. Then she locked eyes with the Weasley mother, and she pointed the door next to the counter, she sent a grateful nod and pointed for Lyra to see. She went to go with her but Lyra claimed to be a 'big girl' and didn't need her to come as well. Cassiopeia just nodded and took the bowls to the counter and waited by the toilets.

Cassiopeia was waiting for her sister, when Ara, who was being followed by a house-elf- who was holding the shopping and also a beautiful barn owl in a cage-, and William walked through the door, they looked from Cassiopeia to the Weasleys, whom still had a few looking at her, and he proceeded towards the girl. He slapped her on the face, she looked at him confused.

"HOW DARE YOU DISGRACE YOUR FAMILY BY TALKING TO THESE BLOOD-TRAITORS!" He slapped the young-girl again. The Weasleys, along with everyone in the shop, looked in horror, but they knew better than to intervene. But she failed to see why she had done wrong as they had not communicated.

"Father, I haven't-" She was interrupted by another slap to the face.

"Remember your manners" He growled.

"Sir, I haven't spoken to these so-called blood-traitors you talk about. So, I do not see why I am being punished for something I haven't done!" She paid for this comment with another slap. She looked to the floor and stayed silent.

"We will discuss this back at home, Cassiopeia. Now we are waiting outside bring Lyra and we will leave. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir." She replied with her head hanging.

He nodded and proceeded to leave the store. As he left, she let out a sigh and turned to the door to see Ara attempting to calm down William, she noticed they weren't looking and she edged closer to the Weasleys. They noticed this and the mother began to speak.

"My dear, we are sorry that we caused you this pain. We really are-" she was cut off by Cassiopeia.

"Madame, it was not your fault at all. So please don't apologise. It was my fault for arguing back. I just wanted to apologise to your family for him calling you blood-traitors." At that point Lyra exited the bathroom and looked to Cassiopeia. "Did you wash your hands?" She said in as much of a happy voice that she could.

"Yes, I did, I am capable of doing things" Cassiopeia smiled and Lyra laughed, but then she noticed the red marks on her sister's face. She raised a hand to Cassiopeia's cheek, then with a soft voice she said, "What happened?"

At this point Cassiopeia was on the verge of tears, but turned to her sister, and blinked back the tears, smiling as much as she could. "Nothing, don't worry about it, okay?"

"Okay, Cassie" and they came together in a hug.

"Let's go, Lele." With these worlds she took one last glance at the Weasleys and noticed that Mrs. Weasley was crying, and she heard her say to her husband "Can't we help her Arthur?" at this point the whole family was listening, "No, my dear, that's the way that some pure-blooded families behave. And we can't stop it. She'll be okay. I'm sure the boys can look out for her while at Hogwarts if you are that worried." "Don't worry, she seems a tough girl." one of the identical twins added.


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