Year 1-27

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As they entered the house Cassiopeia was tackled into a hug, "Cassie!"

"Hey Lele!" They broke apart their hug and she curtsied to Ara, "Madame"

Ara nodded in response.

That day Cassiopeia told Lyra all about Hogwarts and her friends, upon mentioning Draco, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle and Amelia, William seemed to be pleased that she had made pure-blooded friends, and as he left the room, she also told her about Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys. That night for dinner all was well, Lyra was talking about how it's going to be when she goes to Hogwarts. As the group departed from the dining room, Cassiopeia was surprised that William let her go to her room. There she changed into shorts and a vest top and does her hair and teeth. 

As she walked out the bedroom, she found an angry William glaring at her

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As she walked out the bedroom, she found an angry William glaring at her. Without warning he shot a spell at her that flung her against the wall, she was half conscious when William grabbed her hair and dragged her down to the dungeons, she made sure not to make any noise for then Lyra might wake up. When they entered the dungeons, she was chained to the walls, with the restrains extra tight- due to his anger.

William looked down to the girl and placed a silent charm on the room, and began to torture her. He used the cruciatus curse on her until she screamed, beat her until she couldn't move, raped her and then he began to whip her, with his belt, until he got bored, which was a while as he was furious. She was screaming a lot when the whipping began mainly due to the fact that this was a new method of torture to her and also that often the gold, metal buckle of the belt would dig into her back. Once he was done, he placed a spell on her so that she wouldn't need food and that the wounds wouldn't become infected, as he wouldn't want to have to take her to the hospital.


Another short chapter, sorry.

Thanks for reading


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