Year 1- 11

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Cassiopeia, however, couldn't sleep. So instead she sat by the window and looked out onto the lake. She began to fear tomorrow, the final day before classes began. She knew that she wasn't worried for the classes two days away- as she had read all the books-, but whether Harry and Ron would accept her, being from Slytherin. However, she was still happy knowing that she now had Amelia as a friend.

Cassiopeia then quietly searched her trunk for the letter from her mother and the letter and gift from her father. She found them and went back to the window, the light casting a green light over them. Cassiopeia opened the letter from her mother first, it read:

'My Dearest Evangeline,

If you are reading this then I fear that the worst has happened, that myself and Marc have died. In case this ever happened, I wrote this letter, in hope that you will not be angry with me when you read what I have written. I have written this letter to explain your family tree.

My name is Amanda Susan Lewis (nee Newstead), Pureblood, and I am your birth mother, my husband is Marc Lewis, Half-blood, however, he is not your birth father. However, Marc was the one who cared and loved you throughout our time together, no matter how short. Now your birth father is a man, that I'm sure you have heard about, his name, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Half-blood.

This man is vile and cruel, he was in my year at school but not truthfully. You see there was always this boy- called Thomas Hathaway- and he always gave off a bad vibe. He was always obsessed with the dark arts- which explains why he was in Slytherin. However, I never liked him, I tried to avoid him, however, one evening I didn't make it away and he raped me. After this happened, I did everything in my power to find out why, and it turned out it was Tom Riddle using Polyjuice Potion. When I found out I was pregnant I told Marc and we decided to keep you-and darling, that was the best decision of our lives. However, if you are reading this then that means that Tom came after you and we died protecting you.

You might know Tom as a different name, Lord Voldemort.

Although he is your birth father, myself and Marc are you true family along with your godmother and godfathers Lily Potter, James Potter, and Sirius Black and I guess your godbrother Harry Potter. You have a real family my dear, for example you have many relatives, as family is not by blood- remember that dear-, some of these friends: Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Rubeus Hagrid, Alice and Frank Longbottom, and so many more. However, we must say that none of these friends knew of your true parentage, as we feared that if people learned the truth then they would fear your connection with Lord Voldemort, it is up to you whether you tell them. But my dear, if they do fear you, stay strong. Even when we are gone, you will never truly be alone. I want you to remember us throughout your life, not the fact that we died- but the fact that we lived.

My dear, you were the best thing that ever happened to us.

Whenever you feel down, I want you to remember this quote:

'The ones that love us, never truly leave us.' -Padfoot

I love you my dear, as does Marc.


Your Mother and Father.

Cassiopeia finished the letter with tears in her eyes, her father is Lord Voldemort, which was probably the reason for the sharing of wand cores. She tried to get that thought out of her head but she couldn't, her parents died protecting her. She will never forgive herself for that. She wondered what would happen if people knew of her father, but she decided against telling anyone about it.

She then turned to the letter and the gift, as she now realised that this was from Lord Voldemort. She opened the letter first, it read:

'Dear Evangeline Zoe Riddle,

My name is Lord Voldemort, and I am your father.

I assume that I will have to be the one to tell you, because I doubt that your birth mother and her husband would have wanted you to know.

I just wanted to say that I am proud of you. Many say that I cannot love, but they are wrong. From the moment I saw you with your black hair, sapphire eyes and pale skin I loved you, I know that if you are reading this letter then I am no longer around- but I wanted you to know that I do love you and that I will return and when I do, I would love for you to join my side.

I know it is a lot to ask of a daughter so young and so alone, but we are never alone. You will always have your godmother and godfather (on my side, as I feel that your birthmother may have chosen but I felt differently on my appointing) Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape. These are my most trusted death eaters and allies. They will look out for you if I am unable. There is also another thing you should know, I have arranged that if your birthmother should die and you are without a home, then you should be moved to live with the Reid's, they are my loyal supporters and they will know of your true parentage. This family will help you become the Dark Lady that you were always meant to be.

You will become my Dark Lady and we will stand as equals when the war comes to an end, it will be a father and daughter reunion. One where our enemies stand below us, either dead or as slaves.

I am very proud of you. Remember this quote:

'There is no good and bad, there is only power and those strong enough to seek it'

That has always been my moto, and together we will stand and have all the power in the world.

I love you.


Your father,

Lord Voldemort

P.S, I also have given you a bracelet, I hope that you like it. I had always planned to give it to your mother, but I felt that I should pass it on to you. Stay strong.

After reading this letter Cassiopeia opened the box to find a beautiful silver bracelet, which was shaped like a snake- but unless you looked carefully you wouldn't realise. Cassiopeia debated wearing it for a while, but she decided to wear it, it made her feel complete. She looked at the bracelet and thought to herself 'who my parents are will not dictate my life, I will be my own person. But my parents will shape my beliefs- I will listen to my mother knowing that I have a family, not by blood, and that they haven't left me and are watching over me. And I will listen to my father and make him proud, just not the way that 'pure-bloods' do, the way that I see fit. Which is perfecting my studies and making true friends while staying true to myself.'

Cassiopeia then hid the letters at the bottom of her trunk and placed a protection charm on it, she then proceeded to get into bed and sleep- but not before placing a self-waking charm on herself. Also making sure to remember that in two days the enchantment on her face would disappear.


So, there's that. Voldemort's her father 🐍😲

Let me know what you think 

Thanks for reading


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