Year 1-37

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They had been back from Christmas for a few weeks now, and Cassiopeia's depression hadn't improved at all, she still self-harmed and she also began to eat less and less. Her friends noticed something was wrong, however, they didn't realise how much she was truly hurting. She had begun to distance herself from her friends, however, sometimes she did speak to them so they didn't realise her distancing, this included the party in the Slytherin common room for Amelia's birthday- that was the first time for a while that Cassiopeia had actually enjoyed herself. The 'golden trio', Amelia and Cassiopeia were currently sitting in the library doing their work. Hermione then straightened up in her seat. They all looked to Hermione, expecting an answer. But instead she walked off towards the bookshelves in the library. They shrugged to each other and continued to work. Hermione then walked over carrying a large book, she dumped the book on the table- making Harry, Ron and Amelia jump.

"I had you looking in the wrong section, how could I be so stupid." She then flicked some of the pages, "I checked this out weeks ago, for a bit of light reading."

"This is light?" Ron asked. Hermione glared to him, while the rest of them chuckled. She must have found the page and she began looking down it.

"Of course, here he is." She then read from the book, "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone."

"The what?" Harry, Ron and Amelia said at the same time.

"Honestly, don't you three read?" Cassiopeia said with a smirk. They glared back to her and waited for Hermione to tell them.

"The Philosophers Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the elixir of life, making the drinker immortal."

"Immortal?" Ron asked.

"It means you never die." Cassiopeia replied.

"I know what it means." Ron defended himself, but Harry shushed him and looked back to Hermione.

"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist. Who last year celebrated his 665th birthday." She wrapped up and looked to her friends "that's what's Fluffy's guarding, that's what's under the trapdoor. The Philosophers Stone!"

They then decided that they should go and see Hagrid. They all agreed but Cassiopeia was tired.

"Do you guys mind if I don't come along? I'm really tired." She asked.

"Sure, that's fine. We could tell." Harry replied.


"You become sarcastic when you are tired." Amelia pointed out.

"Oh." Cassiopeia replied with a chuckle.

"I'll come with you, that's okay with you three?" Amelia said.

"Of course. We will tell you tomorrow."


They then split up. Cassiopeia and Amelia went to their dorm and fell asleep while the other three went to visit Hagrid. There they spoke about Fluffy and the Philosophers Stone, and they also sound out that Hagrid had a dragon. But before they could continue their conversation, they saw Malfoy looking through the window, when they saw him, he ran back to the castle. Where he found Professor McGonagall and told them about the trio out of bed. 


Thanks for reading


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