Year 2 - 11

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Cassiopeia was walking through the halls of Hogwarts, but she seemed smaller. Smaller than the height of her wolf form. She continued walking around, observing every inch of the hallways. As she walked, she got closer to a sound, it sounded like running water. As she got closer, she saw that the floor was covered in water. She looked and saw there was someone standing there, the person was doing something on the wall. But she couldn't tell who the person was, they were too blurry.

"Hello?" She tried to call out to them, but no words came out, it was a meow. The person didn't look over, they just kept doing whatever they were doing. Cassiopeia then looked back to the water and began to drink it, but as she did, she heard movement. She opened her eyes and saw a pair of yellow eyes staring at her, and then all she saw was black.

~End of Dream~

Cassiopeia woke up screaming, alerting everyone in her dorm, if not the whole house. She was breathing heavily, and Amelia shot up in her bed and rushed over to her friend. When Amelia got beside her friend, Cassiopeia cried into her embrace. Pansy had climbed out of bed and turned the light on, also coming over to the crying girl.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia nodded.

"Sorry, bad dream." She replied, her tears slowing. The door opened, and in walked the female prefect, Gemma Farley.

"Are you alright, Cassiopeia?" She asked. Cassiopeia managed a nod. "Did you want to come to my dorm and I'll watch over you?" She asked, Cassiopeia looked over to see that it was only two in the morning.

"Okay." Cassiopeia replied, and slowly she managed to get out of her bed. She took with her a blanket and together they walked to Gemma's dorm. When they got there Gemma said that Cassiopeia could take the bed, and she would take the couch- as prefects got their own dorms. The male and female prefect dorms were linked, sharing a common room.

"I don't want to take your bed from you." Cassiopeia replied.

"I'm ordering you to take the bed." She replied. Cassiopeia laughed and nodded. She climbed into Gemma's bed, and watched as Gemma grabbed a blanket and pillow and got comfortable on the couch. "Night, Cassiopeia." She said. Cassiopeia returned it. Cassiopeia, after Gemma turned off the light, laid with her head on the pillow, and felt herself falling asleep. But she didn't want to, she didn't want to have to relive the dream again. But fate wasn't kind to her, and she drifted off into a sleep with the same nightmare. She awoke again, before the worst of the dream could happen, by someone shaking her shoulders. She opened her eyes in an instant and shot up, narrowly missing Gemma's head in the process.

"Are you alright?" Gemma asked. "I woke up for my early rounds, and saw you were dreaming again. I thought it would be best to wake you."

"Thank you." Cassiopeia replied. Gemma nodded, and Cassiopeia looked to the time. She had been asleep for two hours, it seemed less.

"Are you going to try and get back to sleep?" Gemma asked. Cassiopeia shook her head. Gemma was about to reply when the door opened, both of the girls snapped their head to the male figure in the doorway.

"Gemma?" Marcus' voice asked.

"I'm just coming." She replied. He stepped in and was shocked to see Cassiopeia there. He rushed over.

"Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded.

"Nightmares." Gemma said. Marcus nodded. "We need to go and patrol, will you be alright?"

"Yeah, I'm going to shower and do some homework." Cassiopeia replied. Gemma and Marcus nodded and left the room. Cassiopeia got up and snuck into her dorm to grab her robes, after doing so she then took her shower and changed. She left her hair down, but curled it. She then grabbed her books and bag and went down to the common room. After an hour she had finished all her work she missed from the previous day, and all the homework that was set as well. She then started doing something she doesn't do very often, and that's drawing. She pulled out her pencils from her bag and started drawing. She had been drawing for an hour and a half when she was coming to the end of her drawing. She looked at her work and signed her name with her quill.

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