Year 2 - 19

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Cassiopeia was in her Thursday session with her godfather, he had spent the lesson teaching her 'Incentio' and 'Aguamenti'.

"Alright, I think it's time we went to bed." He said, noticing the tired look on Cassiopeia's face. She nodded and left the classroom with a farewell.

"Rip... Tear... Kill... Kill... Kill..." The Basilisk's voice sounded. Cassiopeia whipped her head around in shock, she moved closer to the wall to hear it, but then she heard footsteps. As she came around the corner there was a bunch of students surrounding a scene. Cassiopeia made her way through and stood with Draco at the front, there in the middle was Nearly-Headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletchley. The ghost looking dead, but with him already being dead he couldn't die again, and Justin petrified.

"This way, Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall said, pulling him away from the commotion.

"Professor, I swear I didn't." He tried.

"This is out of my hands, Potter." She replied, taking him off to see Professor Dumbledore. Once he left, students started walking away. Madame Pomfrey and Professor Sprout moved Justin to the infirmary, and the ghosts helped move Nick. Soon enough, no one was left in the corridor but Cassiopeia, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Theodore, Blaise and Amelia. The latter six all looked at Cassiopeia in worried. She was standing there staring at the space where the bodies had been moments before. She was taking deep breathes and was blinking tears away from her eyes.

"Cass, what is it?" Blaise asked her. She shook her head.

"Nothing." She dismissed. "I'm going to go somewhere, please just let me be alone for a moment."

"What if you're attacked?" Goyle asked.

"She's a pure-blood, Goyle. It isn't attacking pure-bloods." Crabbe reassured. Cassiopeia sent him a grateful nod, and walked away. The friends watched her retreating figure, all in worry.

"Should someone follow her?" Amelia asked.

"I'll go." Draco offered. They all nodded, and Draco followed after Cassiopeia. He followed her until she came to the come-and-go room. She closed her eyes in front of the wall and opened them to see a door moments later. When Cassiopeia entered, Draco slipped in the door after her and hid in the shadows. Cassiopeia made her way towards the piano in the middle of the room. She took a breath and started to play. Draco listened to the words of the song, about demons inside her. He noticed the emotion in the words, she wrote this and she knew from experience.

She then sighed and just started playing the piano, Draco watched as her hands went back and forth playing a beautiful melody effortlessly.

Draco heard the door open and he turned to see Professor Snape entering behind him. He gestured for Draco to be quiet, and Draco nodded. The pair watched her play the piano, then she came to an end. Then Professor Snape began clapping, Cassiopeia's head snapped to the pair. She looked in shock.

"Wow, I didn't know you could play the piano." He said. "You're amazing. What was that piece called?"

"Pern." She told him, grateful that he hadn't heard the song before.

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