Year 1 -44

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It had been a while since their detention in the Forbidden Forest, and there hadn't been much talk about Fluffy or the Philosophers Stone, they had just been focusing on their end of year exams. Throughout the exam stretch both Cassiopeia and Harry's scars had been stinging frequently, despite Hermione and Ron's reasoning, Harry couldn't help but think it was a warning. But no one knew about Cassiopeia's.

Cassiopeia was standing with Draco, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle, under a tree in the courtyard. Draco was busy discussing their final exam, history of magic. But Cassiopeia wasn't focusing on that she was just fiddling with her snake-ring necklace. Suddenly a thought came to her head. The others saw her suddenly straighten up.

"I've got to go!" She suddenly announced, running away from the tree. The others questioned her behaviour but didn't press on it or follow her. Cassiopeia ran up to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Amelia. They looked to her in shock, as she hasn't spoken to them recently.

"Finally going to talk to us, are you?" Ron retorted. But Cassiopeia didn't answer she just grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him along.

"Come on!" She said, they all ran after her as they saw Hagrid's hut coming into the distance, Hagrid playing his flute on the steps.

"Hello, yeh five." Hagrid greeted, "Wan' a cuppa?"

"Yes plea-" Hermione began, but Cassiopeia cut her off.

"No time Hagrid." She said quickly. They all gave her a look. "Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?"

"I dunno. He kep' his hood up." Hagrid replied.

"But you and him must have talked." Cassiopeia said.

"Well ye'. He asked wha' animals I look'd after, and I said well after Fluffy a dragon's gonna be no problem." Hagrid replied.

"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked, catching on at what Cassiopeia was thinking.

"Well- ye'- how many three-headed dogs d'yeh meet? So, I told him the trick with any beast is ter know how to calm them. Tak' Fluffy for example, jus' play him a bit o' music and he falls straight ter sleep." Hagrid said, he then looked horrified. "I shouldn' said tha'."

The group locked eyes and suddenly ran to the castle, ignoring Hagrid's calls. They ran straight into Professor McGonagall's classroom.

"We need to see Professor Dumbledore, immediately!" Harry said, as soon as they got to her desk.

"Professor Dumbledore's not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London." Professor McGonagall replied.

"He's gone, but this is important. This is about the Philosopher's Stone." Harry said, the Professor's head snapped up.

"How do you-" She began.

"Someone's going to try and steal it!" Harry said, cutting her off.

"Look, I don't know how you five know about the stone. But I assure you it's perfectly well protected." She replied, "Now go back to your dormitories, quietly." She demanded. We all left the room, as soon as the door was shut Harry began to rant.

"That wasn't any stranger Hagrid met at the pub, it was Snape." Harry said.

"Harry, it's not Professor Snape." Cassiopeia said, they look to her in shock.

"And now with Dumbledore gone-" Harry continued, as if she didn't say anything. But he was cut off by a voice from behind.

"Good afternoon." Professor Snape's voice said. "Now, what would three Gryffindors and two Slytherins be doing inside on a day like this?"

"We- we-" Hermione began.

"Careful, people might think you're-" Professor Snape began, he then looked to Harry and saw him glaring at him. "up to something. Ms Reid, a word." He finished. Cassiopeia nodded and walked away with him.

"You read his mind?" Cassiopeia asked her godfather.

"Yes, you don't believe I am the one who wants the stone, do you?" He asked her.

"No, I believe it's Professor Quirrell. But Harry's ego won't allow him to see the bigger picture." Cassiopeia replied.

"Just like his father then." He replied, "You should get back to your friends. I assume, knowing Potter, that he will be thinking of doing some heroics. If you should go with him, please take care." He said to her, concern in his voice.

"I will. Bye Severus." Cassiopeia replied, running over to her friends.

"What was that about?" Ron asked her.

"Potions test." Cassiopeia replied. He nodded. "What did I miss?"

"We're going down the trapdoor. Tonight." Harry said, Cassiopeia nodded.

"I'm in." Cassiopeia declared.

"No, I can't risk your life. Any of you." Harry replied, directing it at the whole group.

"Well, either we come with you or we sneak after you. Your choice." Hermione replied.

"Harry, you need someone there with you. Please, believe in us." Cassiopeia said.

"Alright. We'll meet outside the Gryffindor common room. Midnight." Harry said. They all nodded and then went their separate ways, getting ready for that night.


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