Year 1-15

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When the group entered the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey was not there- and the Professor knew that she would be at lunch.

"Potter, go to the Great Hall and get Madame Pomfrey. The rest of you other than Malfoy, Weasley and King, go to lunch. Unless Ms King you wanted food, I just thought you might want to be here."

"Yes, Sir. I would like to stay." with that Harry, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Theodore, Pansy and Millicent left- leaving the four alone. Professor Snape lowered Cassiopeia to the bed and she was still panicking, however he was unable to calm her, he looked towards her friends and Draco stepped forward. He grabbed Cassiopeia's hand and began to rub circles with his thumb on the back of her hand.

"Cassiopeia, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay, just forget about everything bad. Begin to think of your happy memories, your friends, your family, your owl." Professor Snape looked to the boy, as if to say- well that's not going to work- but then Cassiopeia's breathing began to slow down slightly. "I know you love that little ball of fluff, what did you call her, Liberty. I love that name, it means Freedom. I guess that's why you chose it, it reminded you that she would be able to bring you letters from your friends and they would give you freedom from the life you lead." Her breathing was almost back to normal now, and Draco decided to keep going- while Professor Snape, Amelia and Ron looked to him in shock. "I get that. I have an owl, it's the perfect way to escape the pressures of life. I called my owl Arnold." He was about to continue, but he was cut off by someone giggling.

"You called your owl Arnold. That's such a bad-boy name." everyone looked to Cassiopeia who looked happy, Professor Snape looked between the two wondering how Draco did it, but he was happy all the same.

"It's not that bad. I mean Liberty, that's such a random name." He replied.

"Hey. I named her that, well actually, for the reason you said." With this Draco blushed, "At least mine had a meaning, why did you call yours Arnold?" she replied still chuckling at the name.

"I thought it was cool." Cassiopeia continued to chuckle and then she noticed that Professor Snape was getting up to leave. She grabbed his hand, this shocked him and he turned back to her.

"Thank you, Professor. Really, thank you." He smiled to the girl,

"You're welcome." Suddenly, the doors of the infirmary opened to see a stressed Madame Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore and surprisingly Professor Quirrell. But when they all saw that the girl was fine and giggling, they turned to Professor Snape.

"What happened? Potter ran through the Great Hall to the staff table and burst out saying that Ms Reid was having a panic attack and was struggling to breathe." Professor McGonagall said.

"Ahh, yes. Well. All of that is true, however when we arrived here her breathing got a lot worse and then after Potter left, young Mr Malfoy began to calm her down until, well she began chuckling." Professor Snape replied.

"How did Mr Malfoy calm her down?" Madame Pomfrey inquired.

"Ummm. I'm not really sure, he just kept talking to her and she began to calm down, and then the chuckle was something about the name Arnold." Professor Snape replied, only to hear a chuckle from Cassiopeia behind them. They all turned to her and smiled.

"What? It's a funny name." They all shook their heads and laughed at the girl, they then realised the state of the three.

"Why are they all covered in bruises and blood?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Ahh, yes. Ms Reid was talking to Mr Potter, then Mr Weasley attacked Ms Reid. Ms Reid was too distressed to fight back so Mr Malfoy got Mr Weasley off of Ms Reid, and those two continued fighting until I arrived and broke it up." Professor Snape responded.

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