Year 1- 6

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Upon Cassiopeia's and William's arrival to Kings Cross Station, William put Cassiopeia's trunk and owl onto a trolley.

"Now go to the platform 9 and 10, and run at the wall. Now we are early so you can always wait until a wizarding family comes along and copy them." He ordered.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you."

"Have fun at school, remember our talk. Good luck. Oh, and another thing, the school doesn't know that you are adopted- and they further do not know your true parentage, or your true name. Do not tell them. This also means that the rings of your parents around your neck, that you always wear, shouldn't make people think that your parents have died, understand? And they also do not know about the magic you perfected over the summer, best not tell anyone about that either. And they cannot see your scar." And with that they bowed their heads to each other and he drove off.

Cassiopeia walked towards the platforms as told, and stood and waited. Not long after she had begun to wait, she heard a familiar voice walking towards her, she stood in the shadows and saw the Weasley family walking towards the wall. Cassiopeia turned to the family after the eldest son had gone through the wall.

"Excuse me, madame. Do you mind if I ask how to go onto the platform?" Cassiopeia said this in a small voice, and bowed her head to the woman.

"Of course, my dear. Now Fred you next" the plump woman said to one of the twins.

"'He's not Fred, I'm am" said the other boy.

"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?" Replied the other one.

"Sorry, George." The mum replied.

"Only joking, I am Fred" and with this the boy ran through the wall, followed by his twin brother.

"Oh, those two, anyway dear its quite easy. You just-" but before she could continue, she was cut off by a young-boy's voice.

"Excuse me, could you tell me how to-" He said in a small voice.

"How to get onto the platform, of course it's Ron's first year at Hogwarts also. Along with the young lady there." She said gesturing to the young ginger-head next to her and then to Cassiopeia herself. Cassiopeia returned the gesture with a small nod to the boy, she noticed that he was the boy from the robe shop in Diagon Alley-the nicer one. He returned her nod with a wave and turned to the woman.

"Right dear, you just run straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." With these words Cassiopeia ran at the wall, bracing herself for the impact but luckily not having one. She turned to see a magnificent scarlet train with the words 'Hogwarts Express' on the front. She looked at the train in awe and then began to go aboard to find a compartment. 


Sorry, it's a short chapter

Off to Hogwarts they go 😊❤️

Thanks for reading


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