Year 1-29

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The day went by quickly and before she knew it, she was standing in front of a mirror doing her last checks. She was wearing a long, dark blue dress with long sleeves and a laced top. She had her hair up in a braided bun, she looked to her face and she had light makeup, with light blue eyeshadow.

She walked down the stairs, where she put on 6-inch black heels, and approached her parents. When she approached them, they both turned to her, she curtseyed to them.

"Sir, Madame. Do I look okay?" She asked.

"You look beautiful, dear." Ara replied.

"Thank you, madame" Cassiopeia replied.

"Yes, Cassiopeia. I agree with Ara. You look beautiful." Cassiopeia was shocked by his comment but was sure not to show it. "Now let me hide your bruises" he then muttered an enchantment and the bruises were faded.

They then walked to the front gate and linked arms, they disapparated to the gates of the Malfoy Manor. They approached the door and knocked; the door was opened to show a large atrium- full of people.

William, Ara and Cassiopeia were approached by Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

"Greetings, Reid's"

"Lucius," William said shaking his hand, he then looked to Narcissa and kissed her hand, "Narcissa"

They both nodded in response and then they turned to Ara, "Ara," Lucius said while kissing her hand, and Narcissa gave her a kiss on each cheek, "Ara"

They then turned to Cassiopeia, she curtseyed to them, Lucius then took her hand and kissed it, "Cassiopeia", Narcissa then kissed her cheeks like she had done with Ara, "Cassiopeia". With this they walked off and the family walked into the ball.

During which time William greeted many people, and during which time Cassiopeia had walked over to the drink table, to grab a drink. She was then surprised by a hand to her shoulder, she must have jumped violently (due to her torture reflexes) because the person swore under their breath. Cassiopeia turned to see Blaise and Theo.

"Hi guys," She said to them. They looked up and smiled and then they came together in a group hug. Then Crabbe and Goyle walked over, Cassiopeia gave them each a hug, "Hey, Greg, Vince"

"Hey Cassiopeia." They pulled apart and got a drink they were talking and then suddenly Amelia appeared and hugged Cassiopeia.

"Cassiopeia! I was so worried when you didn't answer my letters" She spoke quickly.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I was really busy." Cassiopeia replied quickly.

"That's okay, although I think Hermione's mad." She replied.

"Oh well, she'll get over it." Cassiopeia replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

As the party went on, however Cassiopeia started to begin to feel claustrophobic, so she went into the garden. There she laid on the dry grass and looked up to the stars. She was so focused that she didn't hear the footsteps approaching. She only realised someone was there when she heard them lay down next to her. She looked over to see Draco's grey eyes looking at her, they locked eyes and then both looked to the stars at the same time.

They weren't sure how long they had laid there until Draco spoke up, "Come with me."

They got off the ground and walked over to a gazebo, which had an amazing view of the stars reflecting off of the lake. They stood here for a while and then realised that they had to walk towards to house. They began to talk about random things and when they got to the garden they stood and talked more.

"Cassiopeia, we're leaving!" Ara's voice was heard by the two. They looked to each other and Draco picked up Cassiopeia's hand and kissed it, however, as he did, he noticed the scars on Cassiopeia's wrist under the lace of her dress. He didn't say anything, as her parents were there, but he decided to ask her when they see each other again.

Cassiopeia walked to William and Ara and together they apparated away.

When William, Ara and Cassiopeia got back to their manor they all walked to go to sleep. When Cassiopeia was ready for bed William walked in, she noticed that he didn't look as angry as he usually does.

"Cassiopeia, I am happy with your behaviour tonight. You didn't disrespect us and you behaved like a pure-blooded woman would. For that, tonight you will not be restrained." He told her.

"Thank you, Sir." Cassiopeia replied, and with that William let and Cassiopeia fell asleep feeling a sense of happiness.


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