Year 2 - 17

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"Captains, shake hands." Madame Hooch demanded. Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint shook hands in the middle of the pitch, attempting to squeeze the other's hand tightly. Cassiopeia hovered in the air on her new Nimbus 2001, she looked into the teachers' stand and saw Lucius Malfoy sitting there. He had come to see Draco's first game. And with the blow of the whistle, the game began. Straight away, Cassiopeia gained the Quaffle and scored the first goal of the game.

With the faster brooms, and also their aggressive tactics, Slytherin were up 90-30. The Slytherin team did a small lap of the pitch in celebration. Harry and Draco then went to the top and were both looking for the snitch, or more like Harry was looking and Draco was taunting Harry.

"You alright there, Scarhead?" Draco taunted. Then Harry had to duck from an oncoming Bludger. Oliver then came over.

"Watch yourself there, Harry." He said. Harry watched as the Bludger then twisted midway and came back.

"Wood, look out." Harry warned. And then in a flash of green, Cassiopeia had pushed Oliver out the way.

"Thanks." Oliver said.

"Don't mention it." She replied, going back to the game. Then everyone in the crowd noticed the Bludger was trailing Harry. Fred and George began to follow him, batting the Bludger away, however, with the Beaters preoccupied, there was no one to stop the Bludger from hitting one of their chasers. Oliver saw this and called for a time out. The Slytherins went to the floor, one side, while the Gryffindors went to the other.

"Why was time out called?" Draco asked.

"There's a Bludger following Harry." Cassiopeia explained. "They'll probably blame us, saying that we jinxed it. You didn't, right?"

"Of course not, besides they have been locked up with Madame Hooch since last practice with the Gryffindors." Marcus explained. She nodded. "Let's use this to our advantage, chasers we need to score as many goals as we can."

"What if a Bludger starts chasing one of us?" Adrian asked.

"Well, they should not be approached by any beaters, you saw how vulnerable that made Gryffindors." Marcus replied, "And then hopefully, our seeker would have caught the Snitch." Marcus said looking pointedly at Draco.

"Time for play." Madame Hooch announced. The team got back into the air, and the Slytherins noticed that the beaters had left Harry alone. After scoring another goal a Bludger then came towards Cassiopeia, she dived out the way and looked to see what beater sent it. But the Gryffindor beaters weren't even looking her way. Cassiopeia then looked back to see the Bludger coming back towards her. She then started flying away, it chasing her the whole way.

"Cass, you've got a Rouge Bludger too?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, just keep scoring and I'll keep the Bludger away from you." She replied, ducking again.

"You sure? We could have you fly the duck and then the Bludger will go towards the goal rather than the Quaffle." He said, she shook her head.

"I don't want it to hit you or Adrian in the cross-fire." She replied, but then the Bludger returned. She looked to Draco and saw the Snitch by his head.

"Draco, leave Harry alone and do your bloody job!" She said angrily, at this point he noticed the Snitch, but Harry was already going after it. The pair were then going after it, the Bludger following them. Cassiopeia then noticed the Bludger was still going after her. Her friends watched in fear from the stands, knowing that it wouldn't leave her alone. Draco then 'flew' up onto the pitch and landed on his back, he held his stomach in pain. Harry then came above ground and reached out to take the snitch, but the Bludger hit him in the arm and broke it. He held one arm to his chest and used his other to try and catch the Snitch. He grabbed it, but then he went crash landing to the floor.

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