Year 1- 48

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Together the group enjoyed their final evening at Hogwarts and packed their trunks. Cassiopeia went and paid a visit to Professor Snape, when she entered his room, he was sitting on his desk reading a potions book.

"Severus?" Cassiopeia asked as she walked in, he turned to her and offered her a smile.

"What can I do for you, Cassiopeia?" He asked her, standing up from his desk and walking around to her side.

"I just came to say goodbye." She replied, tears in her eyes. He kneeled down to her level.

"Why are you crying?" He asked her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't know how much I'll change over the holidays, so I just wanted to say goodbye to you now before I change." She replied, a single tear leaking from her eyes.

"Why would you change, my child?" He replied. Cassiopeia smiled for a moment at the name the he called her.

"Because I know that I'm going to be punished as soon as I get back, and this punishment will be far worse than the last." She replied.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"I stopped my father, William's Lord, from getting the Philosopher's stone and also stopped him from killing Harry. And if William knows this, then he also knows that I haven't cut-ties with Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys, so the punishment will be severe." She replied. He gave her an apologetic look.

"Oh, Cassiopeia." He said, pulling her into a hug. He felt her melt into his embrace and cry, he stroked her hair. "Look, he can't change who you are, no matter what he does. I know that you will be punished from what you tell me, but you need to make sure you don't do anything further to anger him. Do you understand? If anyone asks about Hogwarts, make sure to only mention your pure blood friends, then he can see how you have settled into Slytherin and made influential friendships."

"Okay, Severus. I will try." Cassiopeia replied, pulling away from the embrace. "See you in September, godfather."

"See you in September, goddaughter," He replied. Cassiopeia then left his office, leaving the Professor with a smile on his face but also worry for his goddaughter's safety.


Sorry for the short chapter

Thanks for reading


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