Year 2 - 2

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Together Cassiopeia and William arrived in Diagon Alley and met up with Draco and Lucius.

"William." Lucius greeted, they shook each other's hands. "Cassiopeia." Lucius greeted, kissing Cassiopeia's hand.

"Mr Reid, nice to see you again." Draco greeted William, they shook hands. Draco turned to Cassiopeia, "Cass." He greeted pulling her into a hug, he could feel that she had definitely lost weight and he decided he would ask her later.

"Draco." Cassiopeia said, her voice still a little croaky. When they pulled apart, they turn to the two men.

"Right, you two go and get your books, we'll meet you there." Lucius told them, they nodded and together they walked towards Flourish and Blotts. When they got there, they realised that it was the book signing of Gilderoy Lockhart today, and the shop was filled with women gawping at him. Draco and Cassiopeia walked up a staircase and watched from there. Cassiopeia zoned out until she heard a familiar name.

"It can't be, Harry Potter." Gilderoy Lockhart said. She then saw the photographer drag Harry to the front and he took a picture of the two together. She looked over to Draco and he looked angry. Cassiopeia noticed that Harry and a group of redheads were coming towards the entrance to the shop, she smiled at the thought of seeing her friends again, but worried about William finding out. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Draco approach them.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter." He said, walking towards them. The Weasley kids, along with Harry and Hermione, stopped and just watched Draco, sneers on their faces. "Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a book shop without making the front page."

"Leave him alone." A small Weasley girl said, stepping forwards towards Draco.

"Oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend." Draco retorted, and then there was the silver handle of Lucius Malfoy's cane placed on Draco's shoulder.

"Now, now, Draco. Play nicely. Where's Ms Reid?" Lucius said. Cassiopeia walked to the bottom of the stairs and stood next to Draco, she saw her friends look to her- as if betrayed. Lucius nodded to her and then he then turned to Harry. "Mr Potter. Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last." He said, shaking Harry's hand. He then pulled Harry close to him and used his cane to brush his hair away from his scar. "Forgive me. Your scar is legend. As is the wizard who gave it to you."

"Voldemort killed my parents." Harry said, pulling away from Lucius. "He was nothing more than a murderer."

"You must be very brave to mention his name, or very foolish." Lucius replied.

"Fear of the name, only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione said. Lucius turned to her.

"And you must be Ms Granger." He said, he looked to Draco for confirmation and he nodded. "Oh yes, Draco's told me all about you, and your parents. Muggles, aren't they?" She didn't reply, just glare at him. Lucius then turned to the Weasleys, "Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions, tatty second-hand book." He said, taking a book out of the Weasley girl's cauldron, "You must be the Weasleys."

Then Mr Weasley came over and placed his hands on the girl's shoulders. "Come on kids, its mad in here, let's go outside."

"Well, well, well Weasley Senior." Lucius said. Mr Weasley turned to him.

"Lucius." He greeted through gritted teeth.

"Busy time at the Ministry, all those extra raids. I do hope they are paying you over time. Although, judging by the looks of this, I'd say not." He said, holding up the book he took from the girl. "What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of Wizard, if they don't even pay you well for it?"

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