Year 2 - 3

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Over with the Weasley family, plus Harry and Hermione, they exited the shop to see the quartet standing there. However, the response was mixed; some looked on in anger, some in guilt, some with no emotion at all. Mrs Weasley was smiling at the scene. Ron noticed this.

"Why are you smiling, mum? Those two just beat up dad." He asked, everyone looked to Mrs Weasley.

"Because this is the first time that we have had a meeting with Cassiopeia and her father, where we haven't messed things up for her. For once she seems happy, as does her father." Mrs Weasley replied. Everyone did notice the change in Cassiopeia's emotions, and felt somewhat relaxed.

The group, unaware of the watching family, were deciding what to eat for lunch, when someone loudly shouted.

"CASSIOPEIA!" The voice shrieked. Cassiopeia turned and was blinded by a bundle of blonde hair and pulled into a hug. "I was so worried, why didn't you answer my letters. I was freaking out!" They pulled apart and Cassiopeia smiled at Amelia.

"Zo, breathe. Sorry I was ill and confined to my bed." Cassiopeia replied, unaware of William again looking in pride at her lying so effortlessly. Cassiopeia turned to William. "Sir, you remember my friend, Amelia." William smiled the girl and extended his hand.

"Yes. Where's Penelope and Henry?" He asked her; shaking her hand.

"They're coming, but I saw Cass so I ran ahead." Amelia replied, she then turned and saw her parents. "Here they come now." She said.

Penelope and Henry King approached the group and shook hands with each other.

"We were just deciding to go back to my manor, do you wish to join us?" Lucius asked the newcomers.

"We would be honoured, Lucius." Henry replied. Everyone agreed and was preparing to depart when William spoke up.

"Lucius, Cassiopeia and myself will meet you there. We just need to drop her things back home and tell Ara." William said, placing a hand on Cassiopeia's shoulder.

"Of course, see you later." Lucius replied. With that all apparated away, the King's and the Malfoys back to the Malfoy manor, while William and Cassiopeia back to the Reid Manor.


When Cassiopeia and William arrived back at the manor, William turned to Cassiopeia.

"I'm going to go and tell Ara, take these to your room, and meet me down here." William said, handing her the shopping bags taken from the House Elves. Cassiopeia nodded, putting her things in her room, she also took off her robe and put a midnight-blue knitted jumper over her black top. She then went back downstairs, where William was awaiting.

"Ready?" William asked, Cassiopeia nodded. But instead of apparating the pair just walked, as their houses weren't far apart. It was silence for a while, but then William began speaking.

"Do you think I would have won against that Blood-Traitor?" William asked Cassiopeia. She nodded, he gestured for her to explain.

"Yes, you would have won." Cassiopeia began. "You see he may have the advantage in the body shape, having a wider middle and a shorter overall height- as it would be harder to take someone down with this added weight and also, he could use his smaller side to his advantage. However, you have greater strength and also had the advantage of being skinnier- as this would give you better control over your balance, so where he might have attempted to knock you off your feet with his added weight, you would have the better balance and would have been able to use your longer arms to flip him to the floor. Make sense?"

"Yes, I suppose it does." William replied. "I need to speak with you about something."

"What is it, Sir?" Cassiopeia asked.

"This year at Hogwarts, I need you to be wary." William said. "I need you to keep your Parseltongue ability to yourself, and only yourself. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Sir." Cassiopeia replied. "May I ask why?"

"This year an event is going to occur, and this is linked with Salazar Slytherin, and it will out you in the spotlight if you show that you can speak Parseltongue, and you do not want this spotlight." William replied.

"Okay, Sir." Cassiopeia replied, as they were getting to the gates of Malfoy Manor. "No one will know."

As the pair reached the doors of the manor, and they opened to reveal Narcissa Malfoy. They greeted each other and then Cassiopeia went to the gardens to find her friends. 


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