Year 2 - 16

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Cassiopeia awoke again with a scream, but this time she had put a silencing charm around her bed. She looked around to see her friends still sleeping, she looked over to her clock and realised it was Saturday. She had told Draco that she would spend the day with him today. Recently she had been feeling like the Golden Trio and Amelia were avoiding her, she attempted to hang out with them, but they always said they were busy. Cassiopeia made her way out of her bed and got ready for the day ahead, once she had showered, she looked into the bathroom mirror. She looked awful. Her limbs skinny, the shaped of her bones clear to see. Her eyes had large bags under them. Along with her cheeks gaunt. She knew that her friends were worrying, but there wasn't anything she could do. The bags came with the nightmares that didn't seem to be disappearing. The gaunt cheeks came with the skinniness, which came with the lack of eating, which came from the nightmares and fear. All of which she couldn't stop. She sighed and changed into her outfit. As she came out of the bathroom, she realised she had one hour before she said she would meet Draco for breakfast, so she went to her room and continued on her drawings. She finished the one she was working on, and then made her way down to the common room. When she got there, she saw Draco waiting patiently. She walked up to him, he looked to her and smiled.

"You look beautiful." Draco told her. She smiled to him.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She teased. "Shall we go?"

"Yep." He replied, together the pair left the common room and made their way to the great hall for breakfast.


They enjoyed their time together, with a large group of friends they rarely had the time to be just on their own. They spent some time at the quidditch pitch, then made their way to the astronomy tower. They spent the time together eating and chatting. Mostly talking about the quidditch game the following day. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. As the pair finished their food, they realised it was just after curfew. Together they snuck down into the schools, through the stairs and corridors, to make their way to the dungeons.

They were turning around a corner when Draco put his hand to Cassiopeia's mouth. She turned to see the tail of the Basilisk gliding through the next-door corridor. Cassiopeia wanted to scream, but her voice as lost, she was paralyzed in fear. There were tears streaming down her face. Draco removed his hand.

"It's gone." He told her. Cassiopeia couldn't say anything; she could just feel her heart beating in her chest. She didn't even realise she was sliding down the wall, until she felt the contact on her bottom. Her breathing as becoming unsteady and her eyesight was blurry with the number of tears shedding. "Hey, Cass. Calm down, it's gone." He told her, kneeling in front of her. But she couldn't calm down, the Basilisk was moving around, meaning that there was going to be another attack soon. The one with the grapes. One more will perish soon, leaving six victims waiting. The sixth being the Slytherin, she didn't want to lose any of her friends. She knew it was a second year, so there was a high chance it would be one of her friends.

While Cassiopeia was having this argument in her mind, Draco was looking around the corridors for help, not moving from the spot he was in. He didn't know how to calm her down, because her eyes were glossed over and she was in her own world. As he looked around, he saw a teacher walking through the halls. At this moment he didn't care if he got detention for being out after curfew, if it got Cassiopeia help then it would be worth it.

"Professor?!" He called, when the teacher turned, he saw it was Professor McGonagall. She walked over and looked angry, but then her sight softened at the sight of Cassiopeia.

"What happened, Mr Malfoy?" She asked.

"We lost track of time, and we were on our way back. But then there were some spiders, and her eyes glossed over as if she was remembering something, and then she broke down into a panic attack. But she can't hear me." He explained. She nodded and made a Patronus with her wand, calling for Madame Pomfrey. A short while later, Madame Pomfrey came rushing around the corner, potion in hand. As she got closer to the group, she asked the other two to stand back. Madame Pomfrey leant in front of Cassiopeia.

"Ms Reid?" She asked, Cassiopeia opened her eyes a little, but didn't respond. Madame Pomfrey then got her potion and put it to Cassiopeia's mouth. After tipping it into her mouth, Cassiopeia began to calm down a little. "Deep breaths." Madame Pomfrey told her. Cassiopeia nodded and took deep breaths, calming down more and more with each one. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, thank you." Cassiopeia replied.

"What made you induce a panic attack?" Professor McGonagall asked. Cassiopeia looked to Draco, and then back to the Professor.

"I remembered something, after seeing a trail of spiders." She replied. Shocking Draco, as that was his excuse also.

"Okay, well as long as it's alright with Madame Pomfrey, you should go back to your common room." Professor McGonagall said, Madame Pomfrey nodded. And Draco helped Cassiopeia up. Together they walked back to the common room.

"You should get to bed, we have the quidditch match tomorrow." Draco told Cassiopeia. She nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for your help." She replied. "Night." She then walked off to her dorm, leaving a blushing Draco standing in the middle of the room.


Sorry, just a little filler chapter.

Thanks for reading


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