Year 1-17

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"Mr Flint, Professor McGonagall has found us a chaser! However, I am unsure whether the Professor was being truthful or not, as you know how competitive she can be and also its clear that there is a divide between our two houses." Professor Snape said.

"Really, Professor?" Marcus replied looking Cassiopeia up and down. Cassiopeia felt judged and began to shuffle on her feet. Professor Snape turned to the girl.

"Ms Reid, tonight 6 o'clock before dinner you will come to the Quidditch pitch. You will come alone, without telling your friends where you are going. There Mr Flint and I will be seeing whether you are to be on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Will you be there?"

"Yes, Professor." Cassiopeia replied with a nod of the head.

"Now, I am sure that Mr Potter and your friends will ask what happened in this exchange. I wish for you to tell them that I have punished you, and perhaps you can use the excuse of detention to get away from them later. Would that work?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Will you be able to lie to them, Cassiopeia?" Marcus asked, looking at the girl who seems so innocent.

Cassiopeia smirked at the tall boy, "Yep." she replied, emphasising the 'P'.

They all laughed, well Professor Snape just smiled a small smile.

"Now, how are your acting skills, Ms Reid?" The Professor asked.

"I guess they are alright, why?" she replied with a smirk, wondering what the Professor was thinking.

"Can you cry? If we want them to believe that you are being punished, then I feel tears are the way to go about it." He replied with a smirk. Marcus looked at the exchange between the two, and was waiting for Cassiopeia's response. Cassiopeia looked away, towards the door, and when she turned back, she had tears in her eyes. Both the Professor and student were shocked at her quick summon of tears. She then broke into a cry, if they didn't know that it was fake then they probably would have been fooled.

"Mr Flint, please escort her out. I am trusting that you can act as if you are comforting her."

"Yes, Sir. Come Cassiopeia, let's put on a show." He replied with a wink.

Together they walked out of the office, and down the corridor. There they saw Harry, Ron and Hermione to the side and on the other side was Draco, Amelia, Blaise and Theodore. They all turned to see her and Marcus, all of their faces dropped at the sight of the girl. They all wondered what had happened, they went to approach her but she turned and put her head into Marcus' chest.

"Cassiopeia? Are you okay?" Harry asked, with a small voice- as he, and everyone else, was shocked to see Cassiopeia crying, as she was always so strong.

"I- I-" but she couldn't think of what to say, the others just saw this as he being upset about something. She then surprised them all by running off in the other direction. They all looked shocked at the girl running away, her black robes flowing behind her. They turned to Marcus, who stood there.

"What happened?" Draco asked, worried that this was because of flying class.

"Ummm-" he replied rubbing the back of his neck. "She got in trouble with Professor Snape, something about flying. I think. I should go after her, you guys don't follow, okay?"

"But she's my friend!" Draco exclaimed


"What?" Draco and Harry exclaimed together, they glared to each other and then back to Marcus.

"How often have you seen her cry?" The older Slytherin asked.

"Once" Amelia replied, remembering the girl who was having a panic attack.

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