Year 1-25

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It was morning and the golden trio, Amelia and Cassiopeia were sitting by the lake. Cassiopeia, Amelia and Hermione were finishing their homework while Harry and Ron were chatting. They had been there for a while and they were planning to go and talk to Hagrid, while they were discussing their plans they were interrupted by the sound of an owl. It landed by Cassiopeia and gave her a letter. They went back to talking while Cassiopeia opened the letter:

Dear Cassiopeia,

I am writing to tell you that you are coming home for the holidays. We need to have some father-daughter bonding time, the usual way!

I am so disappointed in you, how dare you become friends with filthy half-bloods, mud-bloods and blood-traitors alike! I thought that I raised you better than that! we are going to have a long talk when you get home.

And let me tell you now that you have made me very angry, and you know what that means for you! you are going to be moving into a new room for the holidays, and you will stay there!

Although I must say I am pleased for your friendship with the young Mr Malfoy, I guess I taught you something, but then you go and ruin it and associate with the others.

We are going to have a talk when you come home about where your loyalties lie!

They should be with your father, but instead you ruin the name and hang around with those filthy slaves.

I am very disappointed in you!

-William Reid.

Cassiopeia looked at the letter and reread it a few times, she was really frightened. She had made William mad, and he was going to punish her. And the punishments always grew worse when he was angry, in one he made her watch him kill her own cat with a knife.

Her friends looked to her and saw the fear on her face and her now shaking hands, they exchanged glances with each other.

"Cassiopeia, are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Yes" She replied shortly, returning her emotionless façade.

"Are you sure?" Hermione inquired.

"I said I'm fine!" she said with a voice that was very scary. They looked to her. "Go and see Hagrid without me, I need to think about something. Can you tell me what he says later?"

"Cassiopeia, are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked again.

"I said I'm fine, Potter! Now shut up and take that answer." She snapped at Harry and stormed off. They were shocked.

"What was that about?" Harry asked.

"I assume the letter was bad news?" Ron asked.

"Right, let's go see Hagrid." He saw their hesitant looks, "We'll find her later."


"I just need to see Professor Snape, can I meet you in the library so you can tell me what Hagrid said?" Amelia asked, they nodded and with that they walked to Hagrid's, while Cassiopeia was reading in the library and Amelia was talking to Professor Snape.

After speaking to Hagrid, the golden trio went to find Amelia and Cassiopeia to tell her about what Hagrid said, they first found Amelia on her way to the library and then they were shocked to see Cassiopeia in there. They sat around her and they began to tell them what happened.

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