Year 1-21

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It had been month that Cassiopeia had been ignoring the 'Golden Trio' and she was quite upset about it, but she didn't want to break, as she knew that they were the ones that needed to apologise. It was Halloween and Cassiopeia and Amelia had had a girl night the night before and painted their nails orange for the occasion, and with a spell Cassiopeia made their nails gels.

They were walking into charms class where Professor Flitwick was standing on a pile of books awaiting,

"Right, I have a seating plan for you today." The class groaned. "now sit where I say." As he was calling out the positions, Cassiopeia was annoyed to be placed next to Ron, and on her other side was Seamus- who she discovered was the boy that she met in the wand shop. On Seamus' other side was Harry, and next to him was Draco, Cassiopeia smirked at the seating causing Draco to glare at her. In this class they were all excited as they were learning how to make things fly.

"Now don't forget the nice wand movement we've been practising!" Professor Flitwick squeaked, "Swish and Flick, remember, Swish and Flick." Together the whole class was beginning to practice except Cassiopeia and Hermione who were watching Ron in shock as he said "Wingardium Leviosa!" but he then proceeded to wave his long arm like a windmill.

"Stop, stop, stop." Hermione said,

"You're going to take someone's eye out." Cassiopeia continued,

"Besides you're saying it wrong." Hermione continued,

"It's 'Leviosa'" Cassiopeia said,

"not 'Leviosar'" Hermione finished, the girls smirked to each other.

"You two do, then, if you're so clever" Ron snarled at the two girls.

The two girls locked eye contact and nodded, together, in sync, they flicked there want and said "Wingardium Leviosa!". The two feathers rose in sync, everyone in the class stopped practising to see who had made the feathers fly.

"Everyone see here, Ms Granger and Ms Reid have done it!" meanwhile Seamus continued to try, "Well done dears," but he was cut off by a loud explosion sound coming from Seamus. He had managed to make his feather explode. Harry turned to the professor and said "I think we're going to need another feather over here professor." While Cassiopeia just looked to Seamus and gave him a handkerchief out of her bag, he hesitated to take it at first but the she insisted, so he took it.

As they were walking out of the classroom Hermione and Cassiopeia were talking, this made them happy to be on friendly terms again, while Amelia was dragged away by Pansy. In front of them was Ron, Harry, Seamus, Neville and Dean Thomas, and they began to hear Ron's comments.

"It's 'Leviosa' not Leviosar' that Granger is a nightmare, honestly. And Reid is no better, she's just a self-centred snake. No wonder Granger has no friends, and honestly the only reason Reid has friends is because they are scared that she'll get Snape on them- you've seen how much he likes her, she's such a teacher's pet." He was cut off by someone barging into his shoulder, the group looked to see Hermione and Cassiopeia walking away, tears in their eyes. Harry turned to Ron,

"I think they heard you." He commented.

"So?" replied Ron, "They must have noticed they've got no friends." Harry wasn't sure on this, knowing that Cassiopeia had many friends from Slytherin, but he chose not to tell Ron about this.

Hermione and Cassiopeia ran to the toilets and locked themselves in the same stall, Hermione was crying their eyes out while Cassiopeia was sitting in silence, trying to control her emotions. They both told each other that what Ron said about the other wasn't true. But they both were still upset wondering how many people believed that about them. The girls stayed in there the whole time until the feast, skipping the classes they had, Hermione crying and Cassiopeia not- despite Hermione's continuous telling that it was alright to cry.

"Hermione, did you want to go to the feast?" Cassiopeia asked.

"I'm not hungry. But you should go, I heard your stomach rumbling earlier." She said with a giggle.

"Okay, you sure?"


"Don't forget what I said, Hermione, Ron's just jealous that he isn't as smart as you. and don't think for one moment that you don't have friends, you're one of my best friends." Cassiopeia reassured her.

"Thanks Cass, and don't forget what I said. I trust you no matter what house you are in, and you're not self-centred. Otherwise you wouldn't be here caring for me. And also same to you, you're my best friend." Hermione reassured.

And with that Cassiopeia left to go to the feast, she felt bad leaving Hermione, but she was hungry and she knew that Hermione also needed time on her own to reflect upon what they said to each other.


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