Year 1-30

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It had been two days since the ball and there was a week left until Cassiopeia had to go back to Hogwarts. The Reid family sat around the dinner table, and Cassiopeia couldn't help but notice that William was looking furious, but she was confused as she couldn't think what she had done wrong.

After dinner Cassiopeia went back to her room, where Nigel came and summoned her to go to William's study. She walked to the door and knocked, when she entered William told her to sit- she obliged.

He became angry and told her again the speech about being a pure-blood, and the hatred she should hold to others. Cassiopeia was confused why he was repeating the lecture again, but she continued to listen to the talk. Towards the end William pulled out a letter, and glared at Cassiopeia, straight away she recognised Hermione's neat writing. She looked to William and realised that she was in a lot of trouble.

He glared at her and dragged her to the dungeons by her hair, Ara was walking in the hall and saw him drag Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia noticed that she was debating whether to help her or not, Cassiopeia shook her head at her, and Ara nodded and walked away- tears in her eyes. For five days she was chained to the walls of the familiar dungeons, facing the same torture. 'Crucio, Beat, Whip' 'Crucio, Beat, Whip' 'Crucio, Beat, Rape, Whip' almost the same torture three times a day, morning, noon and night.

It was the sixth day and William entered and walked towards the weak girl, however he didn't do the same torture. Instead he bent down to her and grabbed a fist-full of Cassiopeia's hair, "Today, we are doing something a little different. I am going to unchain you and you will follow me. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir" Cassiopeia replied, her voice hoarse from the screaming. He then unchained her and they made their way deeper into the dungeons, William dragging Cassiopeia along. They got to the end of the corridor and William opened one of the cell doors and walked in, Cassiopeia followed suit and gasped at the sight.

In the dungeon there were people, five. There was a mother, who had long blonde hair and brown eyes, a father, who had short black hair and green eyes, along with three children, a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, another girl, with brown hair and brown eyes, and there was a boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. They were all chained by their wrists and they were hugging and, as to be expected, crying.

William grabbed Cassiopeia's hair and dragged her into the room, the family looked to her and she saw the fear in their eyes. William handed his wand to Cassiopeia and he then picked up the blonde girl and dragged her away from her family. The family screamed for their daughter, "Samantha!". William turned to Cassiopeia.

"Use the Cruciatus curse on this worthless muggle." Cassiopeia looked towards William and then to the muggle family. And she shook her head, William ripped the wand out of her hand and used the curse on Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia could hear her screams bouncing off the walls, along with the muggle family's pleas for him to stop. When the curse was ended, he dragged Cassiopeia to her feet and gave her the wand again. "Use the curse on her!" he declared, pointing at the blonde girl again, Cassiopeia looked into the blue eyes of the girl and shook her head again. William was furious, he ripped the wand out of her hand and performed the cruciatus curse on the muggle girl himself, her screams tore through the cell. Cassiopeia and the family begged for him to stop, but he kept going, Cassiopeia was mad, so she pushed William- making him lose his focus, meaning the curse stopped.

He turned to Cassiopeia and he was beyond furious, he slapped her in the face and then used the curse on her again. He then released Cassiopeia from the curse and pointed his want at the muggle girl again, "Avada Kedavra!" and the girl screamed and died. The whole family was crying, along with Cassiopeia, while William moved the girl's body towards the wall. He then approached the family and grabbed the young boy, bringing him to the middle of the room.

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