Year 1-41

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Her Dream:

Cassiopeia was walking down the halls of Hogwarts, towards the dark forest. She continued to walk despite attempting to stop. When she reached the edge of the forest, she looked around to see a pure white unicorn, she approached it slowly and calmly. The unicorn looked to her and allowed Cassiopeia to continue walking towards her. When she reached the creature, she stroked its mane and the unicorn burrowed its head into Cassiopeia's hair.

While she was stoking it, she heard footsteps approaching, she turned to see a man with a hood. The same one from the dream the other night. She could see his face, as he approached her scar began to burn- she screamed from the pain.

The figure approached the two, Cassiopeia stood between the man and the unicorn.

"Bravery, your mother had it too." A cold voice sneered. She realised this was Voldemort, her father. "Do you know who I am?" Cassiopeia nodded, worrying her voice would fail her. "I see. Now step aside, daughter."

"Why? What are you going to do?" She asked.

"I need to drink the blood of this unicorn. So, I-" But Cassiopeia cut him off.

"I know, I know what the unicorn blood will do. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price, to sleigh something so pure, the moment the blood touches your lips you will live a half-life, a curse life."

"I see you have your mother's brains. And now you see why I need to kill the unicorn behind you. For I am dying, and the blood will save me."

"But curse you, don't you worry about the curse?"

"If it keeps me alive it would be worth it. I would be able to be with you, we could be a family. Just allow me to get past you."

"Never!" As Cassiopeia shouted this, she felt power surge through her body, she held out her hands and powerful magic surged from it, blasting Voldemort back. He looked shocked at her and he used his wand to create fire, when it was coming towards Cassiopeia, she then imagined water encasing and extinguishing the flames, she raised her hands and was surprised to see the fire being extinguished by water coming from her hands.

Voldemort stopped fighting and looked to his daughter in shock. "You can perform wandless and strong elemental magic?"

"I didn't know I could?" she replied, looking down at her hands.

"You are very powerful my dear." Cassiopeia stood there shocked, "I'm so proud of you, my child." Voldemort approached Cassiopeia and held his arms out for a hug, Cassiopeia was sceptical but she slowly approached him. He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug and whispered "I'm sorry, but I have to do this." And with that he pulled out his want and used the stunning spell to send Cassiopeia against a tree, the last thing she saw before falling unconscious was Voldemort killing the unicorn.

[the others while Cassiopeia was dreaming]

They talked, but they began to hear Cassiopeia's breathing steepen. They turned to see her falling asleep.

"Ms Reid. Can you hear me?" Professor Dumbledore asked. They were all worried when there wasn't a response. "She seems to have fallen asleep into one of her nightmares again."

"Another one? What can we do, Albus?" Madame Pomfrey asked. They all looked to the Headmaster awaiting an answer, but before he could reply Cassiopeia's screamed ripped through the silence.

"There's nothing we can do, if you can see there is a small shimmer surrounding her, that means that someone has casted a spell on her to induce the sleep." They all looked at the girl, attempting to see the shimmer, not noticing the person in the room with their wand out. They were watching the girl when she began to glow, she suddenly shouted and all who were sitting by Cassiopeia, were blown back by a force of strong magic. They thought it was over when water suddenly appeared around the girl's hands and soaked all the surrounding people. They all looked to Cassiopeia to see the glow around her body dim, seeping into her skin. She suddenly gasped and woke up with a start, they all rushed to her.

Draco grabbed her hand and she buried her head into his chest, crying. They all watched the exchange, all worried for Cassiopeia. However, William was watching the scene and made a mental note to punish her later for showing emotion. Cassiopeia then realised that Draco, and all the others, were wet.

"Why are you all soaked?" She asked.

"Ms Reid, while you were asleep you began to glow. You then pushed us back and also sprayed us all with water." Professor Dumbledore replied calmly. Cassiopeia looked shocked, wondering how she could actually use wandless magic in the real work as well as her dreamworld. "What happened in the dream?"

"I don't remember." Cassiopeia then felt someone attempting to enter her mind, when she looked up to see that it was Professor Snape, she opened her mind. She allowed him to see the dream, when she felt him pull out of her head, she noticed that no time had passed. 

"You don't remember?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

"No, madame."

"Ms Reid, may I talk to you alone?" Professor Snape asked. Cassiopeia nodded and the group dispersed, each hugging Cassiopeia goodbye. Ara and William left the infirmary with Professor Dumbledore. "Are you okay?"

"No. Is what he said true?" Cassiopeia replied, her voice small.

"I believe so, however, I'm not an expert on these things. I feel that Professor Dumbledore would know and would be able to say how you were able to use magic against someone in real life and a dream. You could always talk to him, just don't mention anything else."

"Okay." Cassiopeia then looked to her godfather. "Why were Ara and William here?"

"Professor Dumbledore brought them here thinking that they could help us find out what was under the bandage." He told her.

"What did they say?" Cassiopeia asked.

"They didn't say anything, they avoided the topic and just answered the other questions. Like when your birthday was, they did mention it is in February and you don't like to celebrate it because your grandmother died on your seventh birthday. Is that true?" He asked.

"No my birthday's in January, I think they just said that because they probably don't know when my birthday is." Cassiopeia replied with a small voice, she looked up to Professor Snape. "Professor,"

"Severus." He said, cutting her off.

"Severus, can I have a hug?" Cassiopeia asked in a small voice. He nodded to her and they embraced. "Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome, now get some rest." Professor Snape began to walk away. "Oh, and you should know that you have detention for being out of bed last night, however no points were taken from you."

Cassiopeia nodded to him and laid back down. She couldn't sleep though, she just kept staring at the ceiling. Suddenly Madame Pomfrey came over and handed her a potion, which made her fall into a dreamless sleep.


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