Year 2 - 8

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Professor Snape rushed out of the back of the hall, attempting to follow his goddaughter. He walked further into the depth of the castle when he saw Cassiopeia lean against a wall, and then proceed to fall to the floor. He ran over to her, kneeling next to her and placed her head in his lap. He picked her up and rushed her to the infirmary, upon entering Madame Pomfrey ushered him to a bed.

"How many times does the same girl have to come to the infirmary?" She muttered, "I was hoping she would cut back this year."

"I'll go and fetch Professor Dumbledore." Professor Snape said, she nodded and he swiftly left. He entered the hall, and went straight through the middle of the tables, catching everyone's attention, but he didn't care. He followed his path to the headmaster, and told him of what had occurred. The old man nodded, and stood from his chair. He told Professor McGonagall to dismiss them at the correct time, and then followed the potion master out the Great Hall.

When the pair made it to the hospital wing, they turned to see a group following them. They turned to see Amelia, Blaise, Draco and Theodore.

"What are you all doing here?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

"We came to see if she was alright," Amelia started. "It was our fault, we shouldn't have mentioned anything. We know how sensitive she is, and then we mentioned that she wasn't eating and I knew we shouldn't have. We just-"

"Ms King. Please stop rambling, if you are going to stay then wait out of the way please." Madame Pomfrey told the girl. She nodded and the group sat to the side. Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore approached the curtain. They drew it back to see Cassiopeia tossing and turning in her sleep, a cold sweat coating her body.

"Ms Reid?" Professor Snape asked.

"Draco?" Cassiopeia asked in her sleep. Draco's head shot up to the sound. Cassiopeia then started crying in her sleep, the tears pour down her face.

"Severus, I think you should attempt occlumency." Professor Dumbledore suggested. Professor Snape nodded to the man and took Cassiopeia's hand. He focused on getting into her dream, and he succeeded. He looked around and saw a crowd, and a boy- but to him the boy was blurry.

"Cassiopeia?" He asked once again, he saw her dream-self turn to him. He noticed that once she had seen him, her dream faded away. Much like paint running down a wall, until there was nothing but a blank canvas. Cassiopeia's dream-self reached for his outstretched hand, and Severus felt Cassiopeia hand squeeze his in the real world. He left her head and looked to see her shoot awake. She looked around the infirmary in shock, and then she looked to the Professors.

"Are you alright?" Madame Pomfrey asked. Cassiopeia nodded.

"Sorry, just a bad dream." She told her, trying to act brave. But Professor Snape could feel her hand shaking from within his.

"As long as you're sure." Professor Dumbledore asked, looking carefully at the young girl. She held her hands up in mock surrender.

"Promise." She told him, he chuckled and his eyes twinkled. "Alright then, you and your friends can go back to the dormitories, I believe you already know the password."

"Alright." She replied. "Good night." She grabbed Amelia's hand and dragged her from the hospital wing, the others following.

They made their way to the common room, talking about random things- all avoiding the topic they knew they all wanted, par one, to talk about. Cassiopeia's dream. But they all knew for their friend's health, they shouldn't bring it up until she was able to talk about it. They got to the common room and then said good night to each other.


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