Year 1-40

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Professor Snape's and Professor Dumbledore's trail of thought was interrupted with the fireplace growing and the flame turning green. There stood William and Ara Reid. They both looked worried, however, not for the reason they should- for they, especially William, were fearing that Cassiopeia had either told them about her true parentage or of what occurred over the holidays.

"Mr and Mrs Reid, welcome." Professor Dumbledore said calmly.

"Morning Albus, Severus. What happened?" William replied, he put on a worried façade, in order to fool the professors.

"Well, there was an event that occurred last night, which involved your daughter. We have it here in memories, if you wanted to watch?" Professor Dumbledore replied.

"Yes, we would very much like that." Ara replied.

Professor Dumbledore walked towards the pensive, the others following closely. He gestured for them to place their heads into the pensive, and they did, him following close behind. As they watched Professor Dumbledore was watching their shocked faces. When they emerged, they stayed in an uncomfortable silence.

The silence was broken by sobs from Ara, they all turned to her. William rushed to her and held her close.

"Why was she in pain?" Ara asked, with a weak voice.

"We are unsure at this time. We were hoping that we could ask you if there is anything about her past that would highlight why. As we discovered there is an enchantment on the bandage around her arm. At this time, we have also discovered that we don't know much about her, for example we don't even know her birthday." Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Oh. Well there is nothing in her past that would cause the pain, as it never has occurred before. And her birthday is coming up in February, but the reason we didn't tell anyone is because she doesn't like to celebrate it." Ara spoke, but upon the sceptic looks from the Professors, when she said that she doesn't celebrate it, she added, "you see, on her seventh birthday her grandmother died, and they were very close. From then on she hated to celebrate her birthday on the same day when her grandmother lost her life."

"Understandable." Professor Snape commented, speaking for the first time since their arrival.

"Can we see our daughter?" William asked, hoping they would forget about the bandage.

"Of course. However, I do need to talk to her myself. You can see her first and then when she gains some strength, I will be there to see her." Professor Dumbledore then turned to Professor Snape, "Escort them to the hospital wing, tell Poppy I will arrive there later."

With that Professor Snape, William and Ara left the headmaster's office. As they were walking towards the hospital there were students looking confused at them, but they continued walking. When they got to the hospital wing there, they passed the empty beds, and they saw Cassiopeia lying on a hospital bed looking pale. They were shocked to see Draco, who was sitting in a chair next to her bed, sleeping against the bed holding Cassiopeia's hand. William smiled at the scene, proud that she had remained friends with Draco. Professor Snape left at this point, not wishing to intrude in a family reunion.

Ara approached the bed and sat the other side, William following. They sat together and William took Cassiopeia's hand in his. He heard groaning and looked up to see Draco waking up, when he saw William and Ara, he nodded his head to them, they returned the nod.

Madame Pomfrey walked over and was shocked to see the family. She greeted them.

"How is she doing?" Ara asked.

"She's doing fine at the moment. She has no physical injuries, apart from what may be under the bandage. Do you know what happened?" Ara nodded, "Well, due to the fact that this happened last time she awoke, we are assuming that she will once again wake up in pain. But we will have to quickly calm her down, and she needs to tell me what hurts, so that I can heel her. Before she either induces a panic attack or faints from the pain."

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