Year 2 - 20

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This chapter includes an extract from the book Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich.

For a risk of spoilers, the beginning of the reading and then the end will be marked with 🔷 the story will not be effected if you don't read it. It's just a beautiful book that I wanted to include.

I DO NOT own Dear Evan Hansen. 


As predicted by Madame Pomfrey and Draco, Cassiopeia did remain asleep for a while. It was day three before she made any sign of waking. Her friends had come to visit her, obviously she couldn't talk to them but they all found being in her presence made them feel better. Knowing that for once she was sleeping. It was when Draco, Blaise and Theodore were visiting when she started to stir. She opened her eyes slowly and she smiled at Draco when his face came into focus. Theodore was the first to notice, and then all their heads snapped to her. She smiled, and they all noticed how much healthier she looked after getting a decent sleep.

"How long was I out?" She asked sleepily.

"Three days, almost four." Draco replied.

"Oh, so not long then." She replied, going to close her eyes again. Then her eyes snapped open and she sat up in bed. "Three days?!" She exclaimed. They nodded. "What about all the work I've missed, I'll have to catch up on them and then the homework. I'll be in the library for weeks."

"Ms Reid, you're awake." Madame Pomfrey said, coming to see the girl. "Your friends have written out your notes in classes you missed, and I believe the teachers have agreed to have a small extra session with you, if you need it. But I'm sure you're a smart girl, you'll be fine. Now, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good." She replied.

"Now, let's get some food in you." Madame Pomfrey replied. She then waved her wand and many plates of different foods appeared on the bed. Cassiopeia's eyes widened.

"You expect me to eat all this?" Cassiopeia asked. Madame Pomfrey chuckled.

"I'm sure your friends will help you." She replied, walking away. Cassiopeia shrugged and started eating, making sure her friends ate.

"What did I miss?" Cassiopeia asked the group.

"Ummm, nothing really. The only weird thing is Amelia has been off with the golden trio every chance she gets." Blaise replied, seeming jealous.

"Green-eyed monster alert." Cassiopeia muttered into her tomato soup. This made Blaise choke on his bread. The others laughed.

"I'm not jealous." He told her. She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, and my name's Penelope." She retorted. The next thing she knew, there was something hit against her head, she looked to see Blaise had thrown his bread at her. She put her soup in her lap and summoned tears, she looked to him and they looked to her in shock.

"How could you?" She asked, he didn't know what to say. "It takes me ages to get my hair this flawless, and now I need to get bread out of it?" She replied laughing, Blaise took a sigh of relief. Cassiopeia then flung some peas at him, he looked to her in shock and then threw some back. She looked to her soup, which now had floating peas in it. "You got peas in my soup." She commented simply, looking to the bowl. The others laughed. She put the bowl on the side, now contaminated with peas. Madame Pomfrey then came back in.

"Why is there peas and bread on the floor?" She asked the group. Cassiopeia pointed to Blaise, and he pointed back at her. The other two boys just laughed. Madame Pomfrey just laughed and walked back away. The friends then continued eating and talking. As the day went on, Cassiopeia felt she was getting tired again. She wondered if she would have to stay in the hospital wing for the night, or she could go back to her dorms- where she would presume, she would have another nightmare.

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