Year 2 - 7

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-The other's while Cassiopeia was dreaming-

Draco stroked Cassiopeia's hair and heard her breathing deepen.

"Draco?" Theodore asked. Draco looked up to him, "Do you like her?" He asked gesturing to the sleeping girl in his lap.

"I think so." Draco confessed.

"Then why don't you do something about it?" Blaise asked.

"Because it's not that simple. She doesn't like me back." Draco told his friends.

"How do you know?" Theodore asked.

"You think she likes me?" Draco asked.

"All I'm saying is, you won't know unless you try." Theodore clarified. Draco nodded and looked to the girl in his lap and considered what his friends said. 'Would she really like me?' He wondered.

"Who do you think is the DADA professor this year, then?" Draco asked his friends.

"I've heard that it's that author, you know Gilderoy Lockhart." Crabbe said.

"That git?" Blaise asked, all five laughed.

"Hopefully the curse on the position stands and he'll be gone by the end of the year." Theodore said with a laugh.

"Yeah." Blaise laughed. They suddenly heard the sound of crying, they looked down to see Cassiopeia crying in her sleep. All of their eyes widened.

"Cassiopeia?" Draco said, trying to wake her. She didn't awake, her eyes were just darting back and forth under her eyelids.

"Cassiopeia? Wake up." Draco said. She still didn't wake up. Theodore moved over from his seat and hovered on the edge of the seat.

"Cassiopeia!" Theodore said, she suddenly shot up and panted, Theodore grabbed her shoulders and she looked to him. He saw the fear in her eyes and pulled her into his arms.

"Are you alright?" Blaise asked. Cassiopeia shakily nodded.

"Sorry." She said, Theodore pulled away to look at her.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked her.

"For crying on you." She said. He laughed.

"Doesn't matter, as long as you're alright." Theodore told her. She smiled at her friends. She sat straight on the seat and pulled Draco into a side-hug.

"Want to talk about it?" Goyle asked. She looked to him and shook her head. "You sure, it might help?" He insisted. She shook her head again.

"It's alright don't worry." Cassiopeia replied. They all nodded, knowing that she wouldn't tell them unless she wanted to. "What did I miss?"

"Oh well, actually-" Blaise began, smirking at Draco. But he was cut off by Draco kicking his leg. "Ow."

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." Draco said, shooting a glare at Blaise. "We were actually talking about who the DADA teacher is."

"Oh, Gilderoy Lockhart." Cassiopeia said, they looked to her.

"How did you know that?" Theodore asked.

"I have my ways." She said cryptically, they all laughed at her. She joined in. "I'm going to go change into my robes." She said, they looked out the window and realised that they were close and should probably do the same. Cassiopeia grabbed her robes from her bag and then went to the bathroom, giving the boys the compartment. Once she had changed, she was walking down the train corridor when she was pulled into a hug, she pulled away to see Hermione.

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