Year 2 - 6

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The last two weeks of the holidays were slightly more relaxed, there wasn't much punishment taking place. William had, however, warned Cassiopeia of the consequences of her staying friends with Hermione and the Weasleys.

Lyra returned from her holiday with her grandparents, in France, she was very happy to see her older sister. They spent many days, after Cassiopeia felt better, playing in the garden or the local park.


Cassiopeia got ready for her journey to school, she wore black jeans, and a grey knitted jumper. She hid her necklaces underneath her top and then began to tie the laces on her black combat boots. She didn't realise someone was in the room until they spoke.

"Can I see the necklaces you are wearing?" William said. Cassiopeia looked up to him and nodded. She took off her locket, her parents wedding rings, and also the snake ring.

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He looked at them all in his hand, he handed back the locket and wedding rings- which she put back on- but he kept looking at the remaining one

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He looked at them all in his hand, he handed back the locket and wedding rings- which she put back on- but he kept looking at the remaining one.

"Where did you get this?" William asked.

"From my father, last year." Cassiopeia replied.

"Father? As in..." William said.

"Voldemort, yeah." Cassiopeia replied. William nodded and handed it back, she put it back around her neck and continued tying her laces.

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