Year 1-26

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It was time for the train journey home, in the compartment was Hermione, Amelia and Cassiopeia. Hermione and Amelia were talking while Cassiopeia was looking out the window- worried for what was awaiting her.

"Cassiopeia, are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah." Cassiopeia replied shortly.

"You sure?" Amelia asked.

"I said I'm fine!" She snapped, she saw the hurt on their faces and walked out. She was beginning to feel some burning in her eyes as she tried not to cry, and she stormed down the train aisle, towards the bathroom at the end. Suddenly she barged into someone and fell to the floor.

"Watch it!" A familiar voice sneered. "Oh, Cass. Are you okay?"

Cassiopeia looked up to see Draco Malfoy looking down at her. "Yes, I'm fine." He gave her a hand to help her get up, and she took it.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Draco asked.

"Yes! Why does everyone keep asking?" She then looked to Draco and saw the shock on his face, she began to feel guilt. "I'm sorry" and with that she walked off in her original direction.

As Cassiopeia walked away Draco continued searching the compartments until he found Amelia and Hermione, he opened the compartment and they looked to him. "What's wrong with Cassiopeia?"

Amelia sighed, "We don't know, we asked her what was wrong and she snapped and stormed out."

"Well, I just bumped into her in the corridor and she looked like she was trying not to cry. I asked her what was wrong but she snapped and walked off. I guess she doesn't like pity."

"No, she doesn't." Amelia said with a chuckle. "We can just see her on the platform."


After the train stopped Cassiopeia walked onto the platform and walked towards William. Just as she was approaching them her name was called, she turned around to see Amelia and Hermione walking over to her. She looked to William and saw a disappointed look in his eyes.

"Cassiopeia," Hermione said while hugging her, "Have a good Christmas"

"Yeah, you too."

"I'll see you on Boxing Day." Amelia said while hugging her.

William cleared his throat and they all turned to see him.

"Ummm- Sir, these are two of my friends from school. Amelia King" Cassiopeia said while indicating to Amelia. They shook hands

"Penelope and Henry's child, right?"

"Yes, sir"

"Nice to meet you, I assume you will be attending the ball on the 26th?" He asked.

"Wouldn't miss it!" She said with a smile. He then turned to Hermione.

"Sir, this is Hermione Granger."

"Ah, the muggleborn? Am I correct?" He asked, shaking Hermione's hand.

"Yes, my parents are muggles" Hermione replied.

"Pleasure." William replied, not masking his distaste.

"Nice meeting you, I should be off now." Hermione said. And with that Amelia and Hermione walked off.

As they walked off Cassiopeia turned to William, "We will discuss this at home." And with that he grabbed Cassiopeia's arm and apparated away. 


Short Chapter, sorry.

Thanks for reading


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