Year 2 - 5

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The group went to speak but then the heard the sound of music coming from above them, they all looked to each other.

"Oh, I meant to say. You chose the right room, Cassiopeia loves the piano." William commented, upon seeing the group's confused faces.

"I never knew that." Amelia commented.

"Yes, she likes to keep that a secret. But she's very good." William said. Together they all quietly made their way to the room, listening to the music. They all stood in awe at the music being played.

"What song is this?" Narcissa whispered to the group. Lucius whipped out his wand and did a non-verbal spell, which would tell them the song. Golden ribbon came out the end of the want and spelt the words 'Rise up, by Cassiopeia Reid'. They all looked in shock, when they realized that Cassiopeia had written this piece herself.

"Dobby!" Lucius whisper-shouted. The elf appeared and bowed to his master. "I need you to go in there, but don't let her know we have sent you or that we are listening. And compliment her piece and then ask if there are words to it." The elf nodded and they heard the music come to an end. They listened to the conversation through the door.

"Mistress Reid." Dobby said. "That was a lovely piece of music you just played."

"You think so?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Most definitely, Madame." Dobby replied. "Does Mistress Reid have any words to accompany it?"

"Yeah." Cassiopeia replied, shocking the group outside.

"May Dobby ask for Mistress Reid to play it, for Dobby?" Dobby asked.

"Okay." Cassiopeia replied. When she began to sing everyone outside in the hall way shocked beyond believe. They had no idea that such a beautiful voice would come from Cassiopeia, and they were not expecting the words to be so meaningful either. She finished the piece and they were all standing jaw-dropped.

"Mistress Reid, that was amazing." Dobby commented.

"Thanks, Dobby." Cassiopeia said. "I haven't played the piano for a while. And then I woke up and there it was and I just felt drawn to it, make sense?"

"Yes, Mistress Reid. Dobby understands." Dobby said. "Shall Dobby go and tell his Master that you have awoken?"

"Yes, I'll be down in a bit." Cassiopeia replied, and Dobby clicked his fingers and disapparated out of the room. When he got to the hallway Lucius nodded at his elf. They then heard Cassiopeia sigh, and she heard some movement in the room, but not getting any closer to the door. They heard her sit back down and then she began to play again, but this time on the guitar. 

Again, the group were shocked. The golden ribbon changed form to spell 'Radioactive, by Cassiopeia Reid'. They listened as she played the guitar so effortlessly.

"This is beautiful." Penelope whispered. "How many instruments can she play?"

"Six." William replied, they all looked to him in shock. "Piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, violin, and flute. She's just started learning the clarinet."

"Wow, she's talented." Henry added. They hummed in agreement, then heard the song end and her footsteps move towards the door. The adults grabbed the children's hands and apparated to the dining room. They stood back where they were and began a conversation. When Cassiopeia entered the room, she looked to the group.

"You okay?" She asked them, since they had stopped to look at her.

"You collapsed, my dear." Penelope replied. "We should be the ones asking that question."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Cassiopeia replied. She then walked over to Draco and Amelia, and the conversations began again.

"You looking forward to school?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait." Amelia replied, and Draco nodded. They began to talk about school and other random things, when it became late.

"Cassiopeia, time to go." William said. Cassiopeia nodded. She hugged her friends goodbye, and shook the hands of her friends' parents, and then followed William out the house. As they walked back to the house, Cassiopeia began to feel weaker.

"William?" Cassiopeia muttered, coming to a stop.

"What is it?" William asked, kneeling in front of her.

"I'm ..." Cassiopeia began, but she fainted again. She fell into William's arms, he picked her up and carried her to the house. When they got back, he carried her up to her bedroom. He placed Cassiopeia in her bed, and then brought an armchair over, sitting by her side. She woke up and slowly began to sit up.

"Hey, don't get up." William said to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Tomorrow, you need to eat something. Your body is weak. Can you do that for me?"

"Okay." Cassiopeia replied.

"Get some sleep." William said. He then put the chair back and went to leave the room.

"Sir?" Cassiopeia asked, he turned to her. "Thank you."

"What for?" William asked.

"Letting me see my friends today and carrying me back here." Cassiopeia replied.

"You're welcome." William replied.

With that Cassiopeia fell asleep.


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